Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Supreme Court Discusses Capital Punishment

The way I read this, the Supreme Court is not hearing or discussing the merits of Capital Punishment, but rather the method. Doesn't it just warm your heart to know a civilized society has taken a completely barbaric concept and is now striving to ensure it's legal protection? I realize the Bible states certain crimes are punishable by death, but the Instruction is included in a portion of the Bible that the majority of our population has declared obsolete. McCain said this is a Christian nation and Christians do not believe they are commanded to live by the Law of G~D. The Constitution does not make any specific religious references to our nation's legislation. The Bill of Rights clearly states that Congress shall not pass any laws regarding religion. So, technically if capital punishment is perceived to be Biblical, it cannot be legislated by the government of the United States. Another major concern I have about capital punishment is the fact that the only reference to it in the New Testament was done by Rome and the most famous execution carried out by Rome was the execution of a man that was not guilty . . .
I don't understand why a nation that considers itself conservatively Christian could promote capital punishment. Messiah was obviously opposed to it. He demonstrated that on more than one occasion.
And what about this lethal injection matter? A doctor came up with this method. What happened to the Hippocratic oath? Did you know doctors could participate in something that results in intentional human death?
This is leading somewhere else, I just know it. When our country can talk about the "inappropriate" execution methods of other nations, while legislating our own "civilized" methods, we have a problem. And the Supreme Court can't possible get to the heart of that problem. In the last interview I read about the creator of lethal injection, he mentioned the efficiency of the guillotine!
If we, as a nation, can stand before G~D with a clear conscience regarding the use of capital punishment, then we, as a nation, would have to be living by His Law, and we are so far from that. Without adherence to the Law of G~D, all taking of human life is defined as killing. Even if we were observant of G~D's Law, there would absolutely be no death penalty based on circumstantial evidence! What would that do with the population on death row?
I read another bit of interesting news, at least I found it to be interesting. The state of Texas has executed more inmates than any other state, by a large percentage, and yet that same state has had to released more falsely imprisoned people due to DNA evidence. What evidence was used to originally convict them, when DNA evidence places someone else at the scene of the crime? This information, not only has not dissuaded the officials regarding the death penalty, the majority of the residents of Texas are still pro capital punishment. I guess they are banking on technological advances to keep them from being falsely accused or imprisoned.
I think if one did a bit of research, China, the Arab nations, some African countries and the US use capital punishment, and the rest of the world, be it by religious standard or conscience have found it to be unacceptable, uncivilized, and down right barbaric.
Thou shalt not kill. Torah of Holy Scripture

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