Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Power of the People

As we sit here on the eve of the Iowa caucus, I just can't help but think about a real election with a real choice . . . and the fact that we don't have that here in America. I feel as I get older, I get great ideas, just too late! I would love to have a Party of the People. It would make the perfect third party. Here's how we'd do it. First, we'd use the internet, not TV. Wouldn't it be wonderful to reintroduce to our young people that ANYBODY can, in fact, be president of the United States. The White House is not for sale and votes do not have to be purchased with expensive advertising. A campaign could truly run on convictions. I can see it, now! I e-mail 10 people, they each e-mail 10 people. It could happen! Then when we started gaining momentum, the pundits could trash our candidate just like they've done for Mike Huckabee as he's risen from nowhere. And that would be more publicity for name and party recognition. I read the headlines every day and many stories, but I have gotten most of my information about Mike Huckabee from hearing Bill Bennett lambasting his ads. I've learned more about what I don't like about Rudy G. from Dennis Miller's promotion and support of him. I actually laughed out loud this morning as I heard Dr. Bill tell us that Mike Huckabee is going on the Leno show and it's a bad idea, when Fred Thompson, whom Dr. Bill likes, chose to be absent from a republican debate the same evening he announced his candidacy on the Leno show. The double standards of the pundits could definitely benefit the Party of the People! And I realize there is a strategy that is obviously over my head in all this pundit propaganda and media mind control called talk radio, but it could be used for the people, rather than their own arrogance, if we just got this grass roots idea going. Dr. Bill mentioned the young ages of Gen. George Washington and many of the soldiers/leaders of the revolution. Wouldn't it be nice if this country got back to listening and supporting the youth instead of catering to the old money and old complainers? The boomers tried, but we gave up. But somehow as I am looking at 50 this year, I'm reinvigorated and believe it's not too late. With our old people too afraid to die, 50 is younger than it used to be. It's time for a grass roots move of the People. Dr. Ron Paul is not that person. He's as mainline traditional as it gets. Make any promise that will get a vote in any party that will nominate him. If I were to represent the Party of the People, I would begin the platform with one plank of a simple promise. If elected I promise to return the country back to the people. There will be accountability and there will be a reduction in spending. And Congress has made enough crazy laws. We have more laws than we can keep track of, now. More laws for those that are already breaking the ones we have, is not the opposite of anarchy. Without new laws, there will be no need of the lobby! And without perks from the lobbyists, that will take care of career politicians. The legislative branch of the government will be combined with the new mutant "fourth branch" of government known as bureaucracy. Thanks for that term, Mark Levin. And all government officials will live by the same regulations, taxes, and pensions that they provide for their constituents. How's that for a beginning to return the country to the people and accountability of the Party of the People?
The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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