Monday, December 14, 2015

Immigration . . . A Means to an End?

With the recent stir regarding refugees into America, I can't help but wonder just how intently the citizens are being manipulated.  Without a doubt, mainstream media is an arm of power and control that is used to define and redefine "reality."  I'm truly shocked at the extremism of the political divisiveness on seemingly the same issue, and that is immigration.  Like most Americans, I have an opinion on the subject.  I'm not really weighing in on what we should do here, but rather sharing a perspective of what has occurred in this nation through "immigration."

The first immigrants were not called immigrants, they were called pilgrims, puritans, and pioneers.  Those "immigrants" drastically changed this country.  Is there any American alive today that cannot see how the culture changed through history?  I was going to be a bit brandishing in my next statement, but there's no need.  Most Americans at this point, truly do have their minds made up along party lines.  I find it fascinating as the "conservatives" post their anti-immigration comments, blogs, and memes, in regard to the current immigration situation; while apparently truly believing the European settlers had every right to come and take this land from the Native Americans.  Some even proudly proclaim it was the will of our Creator . . .

For those who are using the adjective "illegal," that is not necessarily the case with many.  Although for many, the move to the US isn't via Ellis Island, money exchanges hands paperwork is completed, and it somehow takes place.  There is entirely too much monitoring and tracking of the legal citizens, as well as reported numbers in this country, for anyone to believe our government does not have an accurate headcount.

The Obama loyalists, on the other hand apparently do not believe history can repeat itself.  Many refer to the pilgrims, puritans, and pioneers, now as invaders.  Liberal blogs, articles, and memes address the genocide of the Native Americans at the hands of what they call "invaders," yet they applaud the current influx of immigrants, and judge those who are vocal in their objections.

Folks, the division has been created . . . and both sides actually share a great deal of similarity, except they are so politically divided by label, they don't realize it.  The conservatives know the culture will be changed to accommodate the current wave of immigrants.  Actually the conservatives know the original immigrants brought change, as well, but they believe that change was good.  Many conservatives believe the Native Americans actually needed the European ways . . .  The same situation that we are facing now, did come about through the 1600s.  Folks were leaving Europe for new and better opportunities, but wanted to bring their old ways with them.  Sound familiar?

The Obama loyalists and liberal leaning folks also must know the culture will be changed, but they seem to believe at this time, they won't personally be affected.  The liberal stand seems almost vindictive toward our culture.  They can see what happened with the Native Americans and appear to be welcoming that, again.  They know immigrants change the culture and the sovereignty of the social standard.  American history definitely proves, the immigrants changed the culture and the language.  I don't understand why this would be so welcomed, especially since most of the immigrants are a lot more zealous in their religious beliefs than any Christian denomination.  These immigrants are as zealous in their beliefs as atheists are in theirs.

For some time now, I've understood that the Roman Empire was never disestablished, but rather mixed, mingled, and spread around the globe.  It's been obvious, since the 80s, the powers in Washington were not really so divided by party lines, but have managed to divide the people through party lines.  

The quote "Divide and Conquer" is attributed to Roman Emperor, Julius Caesar.  It is impossible of course to say for certain, but Julius Caesar has been attributed the quote "Divide et impera" which is latin for "Divide and Conquer".

We are on the precipice of a political chasm that will not be spanned, and immigration is the manufactured divisive issue. This could ultimately lead to each state taking their "impotent stand" against the federal government regarding the immigration of Syrian "refugees."  Of course, the federal government can override the states.  Look what the Supreme Court did to redefine marriage IN EVERY STATE, and Congress never did pass a law . . . but somehow "same sex marriage" has become the law of the land.  Yet, I digress . . .

If each state takes it's stand and calls in it's Guard Unit, we have Martial Law . . . Then for each state to protect it's state rights, we'll end up with check points at the state line.  I have a feeling, I'm watching a few go into place now . . .  What troubles this citizen the most, is the idea that the people are being manipulated to actually ask for and implement Martial Law to protect their state from forced immigration of questionable refugees.  

Basically, whether it is immigrants who refuse to assimilate or state guard to prevent their entry, the culture will be forever changed.  We might also keep in mind, since we are still dealing with a Romanesque government, Paul met death in Rome by the same method that is used by Islamic jihadists today. 

For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:  
           Paul's words to Timothy in his final letter

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Quest for Truth

Who killed JFK?  Fifty-two years later, I must still admit, I couldn't prove my suspicions beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, but I have discovered and can prove dishonest governing is nothing new, and media cover-up, is far from recent history.

According to wikipedia.  The first radio news program was broadcast August 31, 1920 by station 8MK in DetroitMichigan, which survives today as all-news format station WWJ under ownership of the CBS network. The first college radio station began broadcasting on October 14, 1920 from Union College, Schenectady, New York under the personal call letters of Wendell King, an African-American student at the school.[39]

By 1932 the evidence of media influence in the American politics was already obvious.  With the backdrop of the Great Depression, FDR became the President of the United States on the promise of economic recovery with his New Deal.  The New Deal ultimately proved to discard the gold standard and implement social security.  Also through this time, the condition of President Roosevelt's health was closely guarded.  That is not to say he kept his paralysis a secret, but the secret service men were known to grab cameras and rip out film, press passes not withstanding.  The images of FDR definitely downplayed his disability, and now as digital history is being explained, the press simply had more important things to cover than the health of the US President . . .

I guess my point for including the leadership and press from the 30's, it appears, historically speaking, once news went beyond the written word, appearance and influence became entwined with journalism.  Whether FDR's handicap was hidden or downplayed, it was not considered to be information for the general population.  Whether the media was kept from covering or covering up . . . again, we now have digital history to tell us what we are to believe.  The 1970 World Book entry of Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicated all of about 4 paragraphs to the polio, in the lengthy entry covering a number of pages.  In his campaigning, he used braces and a cane.  There's no indication that he hid the fact he'd had polio, but he did attempt to walk or stand in most of his public appearances.  The wheelchair was relegated to the private background, behind the scenes of speeches and photo ops.

Radio and newspapers were the only source of news, and radio was relatively new.  The media, even back then established what would be the political information for the general population.  The press secretaries and the secret service determined the photos that would appear.  My point is certainly not to disrespect President Roosevelt nor even infer that a disability should be held against him or anyone, but rather to demonstrate the power of the government and the media to contain and filter what the people can know.  FDR was elected 21 years before the assassination of JFK.  This control of the media, or media control has been going on a very long time!

I just can't help but wondering.  Are we free, because "they" tell us we're free?  Are we only kidding ourselves to think we are informed?  Will the Warren Commission Report stand throughout time, as a tribute to our gullibility?  How many lies have "they" told us?  How many lies have we chosen to believe?

 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth . . . that they should believe a lie:  From a New Testament letter to an early democracy.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Just a Strange "What if? . . ."

This is not claiming any insight or inside information, nor is it accusing our president of any of the things that have been questioned and gone strangely unanswered or at least unsatisfactorily.  I'm only posing the possibility . . .

What if, at the end of his second term, or just after next year's election, if some emergency doesn't disrupt the 2016 election . . . Wow, if some emergency disrupts the election, we could be living in Obamaville indefinitely . . . In which case probably even the staunchest of conservatives will want pot legalized and the teetotalers may take up drinking, as Obamacare won't offer enough painkillers by prescription.
Yet I digress . . . back to my "What if?"

Let's imagine the elections go without a hitch and the Obamas will be moving out in January.  I'll choose an arbitrary day, say the day after Congress is sworn in with their new raise.  Picture, later that evening, President Obama comes on national television with a special address, since he won't be giving the State of the Union Address . . .

First, he addresses America without using "my fellow Americans" and immediately directs his comments to the birthers and the loyal followers against the birthers.  Everybody is right!  >My mother was only 18 years old and by Constitutional law, since she had not been out of Kansas for 5 years, I am an American citizen, regardless of my actual birth country.  Now, with that being said, the birthers got it, too.  The hospital on my Hawaiian birth certificate didn't exist in 1961.  BUSTED . . .  You know, rather than divide over my birth certificate, someone could have simply asked for the Passport records for my years in Indonesia.  That would have made my country of citizenship quite clear, or my lawyer much wealthier.

Although I spoke of my beliefs and claimed to be Christian, many Americans are just sure I'm a secret Muslim.  The fact of the matter is, the Muslim world bases one's religion upon the religion of the father, and my father was Muslim.  That fact, however; doesn't mean the son has the same beliefs.<

It is the personal opinion of this reporter that Mr. Obama serves himself.  He seems, in my humble opinion, very content with his god complex.  Perhaps he has claimed the religion of his father, perhaps he's claimed Jeremiah Wright's version of Christianity, or perhaps, like many Americans he'd simply state he believes in doing what is right in his own eyes and what serves his own best interest.

Next, he mentions the girls.  Imagine him openly stating, with the territorial aggression of a protective father, "they are our daughters, but not biologically."  There are no baby photos because we hadn't yet adopted them.  There are no photos of Michelle pregnant, because that simply did not happen.  I'm all about a transparent reality . . . In a country that is so abhorrent toward abortion, you should celebrate the adoption of our two daughters.

Finally, he then mentions Michelle, whom may have been referenced Michael.  Joan Rivers died just a week after saying Michelle was a "tranny."  I can hear him now, saying, when he came into office he was quite nervous about his stand on traditional marriage knowing he and "Michelle" had a very unique situation.  He wasn't sure the Supreme Court would open the door for him to be able to be "transparent in his evolving views, but felt they would.  Before the Supreme Court decision, he did have some concerns about his relationship, but clearly he and Michelle/Michael are now the all American image of "marriage equality."

I believe it's just a strange feeling or even just a whim of imagination in political satire.  Can you imagine, either way, Mr. Obama's body language and tone if he were to state the following?   >Everything I've stated tonight was already a fact eight years ago and four years ago, now what are you going to do about it?  I was elected, and there is nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights that state I couldn't have been.  My mother's citizenship and age makes me a natural born citizen.  Religion and sexual identity are not factors in holding the office, and as for adopted children . . . Ronald Reagan was not only divorced but also a father by adoption.

Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens.  a Lament of the Prophet

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Trusting Our Government

August 13, 2015 I received an email from our local Chamber of Commerce asking all members to get involved and call MoDot; as the state wanted to hear what we had to say about a problem at an intersection of two state highways.  It seems the fourway stop was a problem for traffic, especially 18 wheelers on the east/west highway.  The north/south highway basically headed south into the sparsely populated rural county, and north bound headed into town.  In the years I've lived here, I'd never seen or heard of any serious accident at that particular intersection.  The detail I found significant in this entire mess was the fact, the problematic four way stop had been put into place July 7, 2015.  A solution was needed for this recently created problem!

So, as a vocal citizen and business person, I made the phone call.  Naturally, it went to voicemail, but I left a message; and did receive a call back.  This is where the handwriting on the wall became clear.  Immediately I began hearing that it was the business folk who wanted this four way stop.  I asked which business folk, as there is one grocery store, two restaurants and a handful of flea markets.  Several business have shuttered in the past few years.  She seemed disinterested in my question, but moved right to the "programming pitch" for a round about.  Here we have a town of about 2,000 people, with no stoplights and only one four way stop in the city limits and suddenly we need a round about?  I made the mistake of voicing a couple of simple questions.  "So, the state is proposing to fix a problem they just created last month?  In the entire department of transportation, nobody could have seen this coming?"  With that she said there would be a meeting in October to address this problem and asked for my email address.  I gave it to her and she thanked me for my interest.  Meanwhile a red flag waved in my head as to the probability of being contacted about the meeting.

Upon checking my email, to my surprise there was an email from her, confirming my email address and the simple line stating "I'd be getting an invite when the date was set."  I felt like a cynical jerk.  That was August 14, 2015.  There's been much road work on 60 Highway spanning a significant number of miles that has been black asphalt with no center yellow line or white lane markings.  For anyone familiar with the lay of the land in the Ozarks, just like "Hooterville," there are lots of curves!  September spilled into October in celebration of the High Holy Days, and I checked my emails regularly, but hadn't received anything.  I took a government employee at her word . . . By late last week, with all the construction, and having learned who the business was regarding the desire for the four way stop, I thought perhaps the meeting had been postponed.

The business involved in the four way stop to begin with, was none other than Walmart.  Walmart wanted the town to invest in changing the flow of traffic.  This would amount to nothing more than putting themselves out of business, I guess, so there was apparent resistance.  The state came to Walmart's assistance, then Walmart vacillated on the plan.  Since I now had a bit more information, I thought I'd just drop a short email making enquiry as to the date of the meeting.  That email was dated October 23, 2015.  I heard nothing until the morning of October 27, 2015.  As it turns out, the meeting has already taken place and the round about was agreed upon.   She suggested that it was my lack of awareness that caused me to miss it, as they had given it more publicity than usual.  As I read her email, I was so thankful to have saved all the correspondence.

I sent a short reply with her original email.  Within minutes she "took full responsibility" and even offered to come apologize in person, citing some reason she'd not filed the email properly.  Blah, blah, blah . . . yata, yata.  She even suggested that if any of us were unhappy, perhaps another meeting could be scheduled at a later date. We had a couple of exchanges and then I got spunky.

I sent one last email telling her, I was a member of the press and had intended to cover the meeting, but as it turns out, I'd just have to write an article about missing the meeting.  I can honestly say, I believe being heard by our government on any level is merely a choreographed delusion perpetrated on we the people.  I know "the powers that be" will do what they please and I don't have enough money to have a voice, but I do have a few regrets.  I regret ignoring the red flag in the phone conversation and I definitely regret the feeling of self-degradation over my cynicism.  My greatest regret, after all these years of seeing the reality and even blogging about it, is the stupidity I feel for actually taking a government worker at their word!

When he speaketh fair, believe him not . . . a Proverb of Holy Scripture


Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Last Amendment Standing

The powers that be have their sights set on the second amendment.
                                   And the are relentless in their endeavor.   

A few weeks ago we offered an article addressing what little is actually left of the Bill of Rights.  Recent history has caused the Bill of Rights to become pretty emaciated.  Much of the loss of freedom and rights can be attributed to the USA Patriot Act and Homeland Security, but the reality is, it began before 9/11.  The War on Drugs, the War on Poverty, and Education and Welfare Programs of the Great Society are also a part of the demise of the Bill of Rights.  

One of the most troubling parts about targeting the second amendment are the number of subjective variables that could be assigned to the full demise of this right, being embraced by those who who were once staunchly Pro-Second Amendment.  It's as if there has been some sort of hypnotic trance placed over a great number of second amendment democrats and even stranger yet; over many young conservatives.  

In the past fifty years, we've seen "events" and read headlines that seem to trigger the outcry for the loss and removal of freedom under the guise of safety.  The reality that citizens are willing to give up their freedom in the pretense of safety is mindboggling.  If we willingly set aside the Bill of Rights, all other freedoms that weren't even mentioned in that document, will be lost as well.  
The two issues that continue to be introduced to limit gun ownership are mental health and senior citizens ability to maintain their own affairs.  As our nation continues to worship the gods of health care and Big Pharma continues to gain in money and power, there will be few if any citizens that do not fall into some category or label in the DSM-V.  Every veteran will have some sort of label, as will every hormonal woman, and vaccinated child.  Then we must consider the fact that schools receive more federal funding for labeled children, and a real bonus for medicated ones, as do long term health care facilities.  There is big, big money in a labeled, dysfunctional society, until . . . everyone "requires" care and maintenance.  As for senior citizens managing their own affairs.  With the advancement in technology, it could become very difficult for seniors to manage electronic financial transactions that they've done with checks and cash for years, but that should hardly disqualify them from hunting.  When that time comes, and it's rapidly approaching, gun ownership will be a real hindrance to corralling the citizens.   

Obviously, history shows us, our leaders are in much more potential peril than the average citizen, and yet it is average citizens being gunned down in "gun free zones" while our leaders are obviously making disgruntled political enemies; surround themselves with folks carrying guns.  Something else I've noticed as of late in all this "gun control" conversation.  Usually a threat to any leader makes headlines.  We've had "incident after incident" reported around the country, but the leaders just keep making enemies and being safe, surrounded by guns.  As a matter of fact, when innocent lives are reported lost at the hands of lone gunman, the people who are surrounded by armed guards always suggest gun ownership to be the problem.  Research indicates 1 in 3 Americans own at least one gun.  Clearly, the ratio between gun ownership and gun deaths have little place even on the same graph.  

Drugs appear to be a greater factor in murders, than gun ownership.  While on the subject of drugs and guns, according to one of the Presidential Candidates nearly a half million Americans die annually from medical errors.  According to this article, and there are many more with similar information, the third leading cause of death in America is medical errors.  Where's the outrage?  Where is the call to hold these practitioners accountable?  Where is the call to more extensive FDA and Big Pharma control?  Where is the legislation to get serious about the safety and use of pharmaceuticals?  I'll end my rant on pharmakeia and get back to the Second Amendment.      

This may sound conspiratorial, but I truly believe any rational individual will give this some consideration.  If our government is willing to send young people to fight in wars with no purpose, without consideration of the death toll; then bring back the survivors and offer them little to no care or time of recovery, what makes anyone believe the general citizens are more important or will be better treated?  If dedicated soldiers are dispensable, what makes the citizenry of such great value?  I'm not wearing a tinfoil hat, but one does have to consider the possibility that false flags and choreographed drills could be used to enact legislation.  We all admit we don't believe our media and trust few politicians, yet when it comes to these reported shootings and a call to lay down arms, the sheople are getting into formation.

. . . Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?  the Revelation of Holy Scripture

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Coming Together to Oppose

Now that Operation Jade Helm 15 has "officially ended" I haven't noticed convoys of military equipment and vehicles on the road en mass.  So, is the military presence just going to remain where the "exercises" took place?  That was my assumption all along, but sadly our citizenry chose to divide by extreme on this topic, as well.  Since I've already survived the references of "fear-monger" and "conspiracy theorist" I'm going to proceed a bit further on this matter.  Last month I wrote about how much power one corporation had.  Now I'd like to address how often and how many places we are coming together, yet in opposition.  This idea just kind of snuck up on me.  What if the one world power sucks most of the world in with something to "be against?"  What if all but the elect truly believe they are taking a noble humanitarian stand against evil?

I've made myself a check list and begun to give very serious consideration to the thought, perhaps I've said enough against some things.  I've railed against Monsanto and Mainstream medicine for years now.  I've even made a point to offer Scriptural solutions, so when the time comes to form some sort of world alliance against GMOs or vaccinations, I'll just take a pass on that club.  Obviously, unifying us on what we don't like could be very inviting.  Demonstrating our disdain is so popular, an unconfirmed rumor is floating around the internet that Facebook is adding a "dislike" button.  Isn't that going to work well through an election year?  I also read that so many "dislikes" will result in the removal of the post.  What a subtle form of censorship.  If that's true, it's likely that many of us will never see a number of posts.  The disagreeable will rule!

The Pope's visit brings yet another angle to this coming together in opposition.  You'd think Christians being martyred would be more pressing than global warming, but as of yet, not with the Pope.  I do find it sadly strange that his visit aligns with Yom Kippur as he makes no mention of true repentance of sin.  What if the Pope has a number of "good causes" . . . which so far he hasn't mentioned, but what if he attempts to bring us all together with the UN and 2030 Agenda against ISIS?  Demonstrating the long renown cliche in America of voting for the "lesser of two evils."  The lesser of two evils is still evil.  The thought of joining any global group in opposition to a global threat may find those folks in the position of bowing down to an image of a "good cause" but still an image of a One World Order.  The global war on terror declared in 2001 has only served to destabilize the Middle East, spread radical Islam, and put Israel in greater harm.

Coming together in unity for repentance, seems nearly impossible on every hand.  Those of us observing Yom Kippur can't even agree on the day, but at least this year, we're not arguing about it.  It seems, between Shabbats, there will be four days of various ones of us repenting . . . Arguing just requires more repentance, and truth be told we've got bigger matters for which we should repent like national horrors and disgraces from which we've piously distanced ourselves.  How about all the Planned Parenthood awareness?  Now, none of us can cry ignorance.  That blood just covered a lot more hands! The blood is no longer just on the hands of the abortionist and the woman, but on anyone who benefits from the research utilizing fetal tissue.

We can already find a dozen social issues for which we are adamantly against.  I remember several years ago being part of a gospel music team in which the founders could find something wrong with every denomination they left . . . It didn't take long to discover, finding fault is a far cry from fellowship!  We simply must be cautious in joining any movement against social or religious ills.  Coming together in opposition is fine for a single event of protest, but not for a movement to gain momentum.  It's time to follow Messiah, stand for the truth and stay in the shelter of the Almighty.  Things are getting crazy and it's a global mess!

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. . . With long life will I satisfy him, and show him Y'hshuwah.  first and last of the 91st Psalm

Monday, September 14, 2015

In Memory of the Bill of Rights

So far Martial law has not been declared, but there have been several "emergency hot spots" across the country, regarding a variety of issues, from wildfires to floods, and while martial law simmers potentially on the back burner, a new society is looming large in the forefront.  Life as we knew it in may is forever changed.  The refusal to allow the press to cover Operation Jade Helm 15 was an obvious blow to the First Amendment, but we the people were too busy calling each other conspiracy theorists or sheople to notice the freedom of the press to exercise rights on American soil had been suspended or curtailed.  While people complain regularly about mainstream media, the alternative media is perceived to be amateurish and fringy.  

It's taken me awhile to find the words, but basically, with the Bill of Rights being dismantled a piece at a time and the nation's attention drawn to the Second Amendment, the gender issues and new marital definition may serve to be the fatal blow to the First Amendment, using the Tenth Amendment.  The First Amendment has been in critical condition for some time now, as well as the Tenth as the federal government has become more empirilized.  I now see that our government has just about circumvented every freedom mentioned in the first ten amendments, citing the Constitution . . . or safety.

This situation in Kentucky brought to my attention, the "interpretation" of the first amendment, to completely override the tenth.  When we are griping about a particular politician not upholding the Constitution, we need to keep in mind, the Bill of Rights are not really protected by the Constitution.  The Constitution was written to protect the rights of a sovereign nation and establish a government apart from the rest of the sovereign nations and governments.  The Bill of Rights was specifically written to protect the people from an overreaching sovereign federal government.
  1. First Amendment - Religion and Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Second A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Third No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law   

Fourth  The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. 

Fifth  No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation

Sixth  In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Seventh In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Eighth  Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Ninth  The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Tenth  The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

I read the Bill of Rights, again and again; and I can't help but wonder if they were compiled as a sort of "Ten Commandments" of we the people, to our government.  The fact that they have been undermined in apparent randomness has made the loss less obvious.  Figuring inflation alone, in our self serving society, the seventh amendment went directly to countless lawsuits and a rise in legal careers, with many of those lawsuits being quite frivolous.  This of course, began the immense backlog of the civil judicial system.  The prison industry has led to the sixth amendment becoming a mere technicality when the defendant has no defense.  A speedy trial is completely a relative term, with the courts across this land now even conducting trials on Sabbath, in some cases. 

The eighth amendment is open to debate regarding bail and excessive fines, but the last portion of the amendment seems to be used primarily in the final appeal in cases of capital punishment, which affects a very small portion of our society.  The first portion of the eighth amendment which would impact more of our society, seems to be arbitrarily applied with no actual standard at all.

The ninth amendment is stated to elude to the protection of privacy which doesn't appear in the Constitution and is not directly stated here in the Bill of Rights, so American's protection of privacy is really just an inference that is tossed around with no legal substance.  Thus, our current Big Brother state.  According to our current society, the ninth amendment is just a vague generalized comment with little meaning.

On to the meatier amendments.  The fifth amendment covers everything from no self-incrimination to eminent domain.  I'm not sure who determines which crimes are infamous and which crimes are not, but the number of felony offenses has skyrocketed with the war on drugs and the rise of the prison industry.  The fifth amendment is the inspiration for the reading of one's miranda rights when arrested, as well as testifying under oath.  Eminent domain has been around long before SCOTUS made it official.  As a Native American, it seems eminent domain is how this country was actually formed, but that's a topic for another day.  Most Native American tribes did not believe the land was to be owned, so removing us from the equation, eminent domain is really the "politically correct" term for "taking private property for public use."  Eminent domain has certainly been a part of this country since the Interstate Highway was built in the 50's . . . 

No knock warrants, another "weapon" in the war on drugs has of course completely eradicated the protection of the fourth amendment, and has even gotten folks killed.  Elderly Atlanta resident, 92 year old Kathryn Johnston's death was a direct result of the "legal" disregard for the fourth amendment.

A state of continual war nullifies the purpose of the third amendment, automatically.  This year, Operation Jade Helm 15 had given clear indication, what the military does in our own cities on our own soil, is none of our business, except that we should cooperate, and caused anyone with raised eyebrows to be labeled as paranoid or fear-mongering.  The nullification of this particular amendment could become quite troubling if "illegal immigrant amnesty for military service" becomes law.  No way to really know who will have the right to just move in!  We may see, shortly.

The second amendment gets all the attention, usually, and seems to always be in the "crosshairs" of the anti-gun folks.  For now the NRA is financially powerful and most citizens are intelligent enough to know, the criminals already don't worry about laws, so gun laws won't make any difference, either.  Disarming law abiding citizens is a clear attack on our freedom.  There's just not enough political spin to get around that fact.  One concern I have, is again the tenth amendment may be being used to erode the second amendment.  All the states that are offering permits for conceal and carry or even open carry may technically have already infringed upon the rights afforded in the second amendment, and relegated gun "control" to the individual states.  In all this confusion, I'm guessing state gun control laws will override the second amendment, but SCOTUS interpretation of marriage will override state laws . . . Well played, federal government!

And now, in memory of my favorite amendment.  Although according to the first amendment, Congress can make no law regarding religion, but . . . the SCOTUS can interpret any case they choose to "hear" and according to this last week's news, "it becomes the law of the land."  No need for Congress to make new laws, when everything can simply be reinterpreted.  We also have learned that "free exercise thereof" of religion has no place on the job or in the public square.  We'll see if other religions are held to the same standard Judaism and Christianity have been held.  You are still free to speak, but you are not free from being monitored and you are not free from surveillance.  Freedom of the press was openly rejected in the Operation Jade Helm 15 exercises, on American soil.  People can peaceably assemble to petition the government, which is to protest, as long as they stay in the "first amendment zone" a.k.a. "free speech cage." "Free speech cage" has to be the ultimate oxymoron!

As these Ten Amendments have been reduced to illusion, the Ten Commandments were etched in stone.

But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of YHWH thy Elohim, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee:  Torah of Holy Scripture

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Government, Faith, and Elected Officials

I had other writing plans this week, but the current situation in Kentucky has prompted me to change my plans.  It seemed a small matter back in the year 2000, not even worthy of mention, but now in light of current headlines, it seems quite pertinent.

The headlines of Kim Davis's incarceration indicate the fact that we need to realize, rendering unto Caesar may have been costing the silent victims more than we realize.  While those currently with a voice, crying victim seem to actually be quite bullying in their tactics.  The SCOTUS is not to make laws, but rather interpret them, on the federal level.  Congress makes laws, but according the First Amendment, Congress is to make no laws regarding religion.  States still have their own ability or should have, to make their own laws.  The comments about what Kim Davis should have done, of course cover the continuum, but in some cases sound frighteningly similar to the general attitude toward Hitler's rising power in Germany.  We need to realize Messiah separated G-d and Caesar in the example of a coin, where as we just print G-d on something or "sprinkle a little Jesus mantra" over it and then claim "it's all good."  Well, we are wrong and have been wrong, for some time.

As some folks say, she should do what the government now insists, I recommend you reread the book of Daniel.  The Kentucky law still has not changed and she did not single out same sex couples, she simply stopped issuing marriage licenses all together until the state changed the law.  As for resigning over it, she still hasn't broken a law, she simply refused to issue any license until a state decision was rendered.   Her refusal and her marital history then brought an onslaught of judgment from the "tolerant progressives" as well as some Bible thumpers.  She has been married more than once as well as divorced more than once, and that is a problem amidst Christianity, but she's not been divorced since she became a believer.  Even Paul said in I Corinthians 7, married or single, remain as you are, when you become a believer.  So, as always, mudslinging is the best defense.  Through all of this, folks were completely free to go to adjacent counties.

While the gays are all sniveling and crying victim, I have another scenario of county government that took place in my home state some time back and believe me, I do know the situation from behind the scenes. This involves a county official who was first elected as Public Administrator in 1996 was re-elected in 2000.  She had a politically familiar name, as her husband was a state rep and the area was very much of "the good ol' boy" mentality.  I'm not sure of any other candidate in 96, but I do know in 2000, there was a candidate of the Libertarian party and no Republican candidate.  The Libertarian candidate was a minister who had actually been ministering to many of the "clients" or wards of the Public Administrator's office.  To make this long story as short as possible, The Libertarian candidate spoke of G-d, and of helping those who could not help themselves, which of course are the wards of the Public Administrator.  The Libertarian candidate didn't win and didn't even "drag" a conservative precinct . . . but there's more to the story.

A federal investigation was launched.  Between 2003 to 2006, this elected official had embezzled over $100,000.00 from accounts of people who were entrusted into her care and could not take care of themselves.  She stole from the helpless.  In all of this, she never even acknowledged her guilt, but simply stated she felt she'd done a pretty good job and plea bargained.  Her sentence was no longer than the proven years of embezzlement.  This case had true victims, true helpless victims!!!  The very person who was elected to watch for their best interests was the one who preyed upon them.  

The couples in that particular county in Kentucky could simply drive a few extra miles to obtain their license and still be married anywhere in the state.  The wards of the Public Administrator lived primarily in state institutions and long term care facilities.  They had no access to their own accounts much less the freedom or ability to obtain an advocate of their own choosing or have her books audited.  Many of those victims possibly died before her resignation, much less receive any restitution.  They were true victims.  The couples in Kentucky are not victims.  I would even hazard a guess that the heterosexual couples simply went to an adjacent county to obtain a marriage license.  As our nation moves farther from the truth, we'll find, just as in Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon; not bowing down to the image will be deemed criminal, and the true victims with no voice will continue to be victimized.

If it be so, our EL whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.  But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.  Prophet of Holy Scripture


Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Powers of the One World Order

When this bill board loomed into view, I had to take a photo.  Although the corporate books are very carefully separated, Arvest Bank and WalMart have the same basic beginnings and the Walton heirs continue to run both enterprises.  This little jolt of reality, after taking several photos of military convoys, motivated me to consider just how truly powerful The Walton empire is.  While the more recent Rockefeller generation seems content to be relaxing on the grandeur of Grandpa's empire, the Walton heirs continue to build and expand their empire.

It has been reported by many sources including Forbes that Arvest Bank is owned and controlled by the Walton family of Walmart fame, although Arvest is operated separately from the famous retail chain. Sam Walton's son Jim runs the company. In 2003, Jim, his brother and his mother owned a combined stake of 96.14% of the company.
Since its early days set in the backdrop of 1965 small-town America, Arvest Bank has evolved from a group of small banks to a big bank. The bank has experienced significant growth both in its size and depth of products since its early days. Arvest claims to have kept its community foundation while offering customers the convenience and technological advantages of a larger corporation, keeping stability, sound financial practices and customer service at the heart of its mission.[1]
The Arvest story began in 1961 with Sam & Helen WALTON's [2] purchase of The Bank of Bentonville in Bentonville, Arkansas, which was followed in 1963 with the acquisition of a small bank, the Bank of Pea Ridge, in the nearby town of Pea Ridge, Ark. In 1975, First National Bank & Trust of Rogers was purchased in the neighboring town of Rogers, Ark., and for almost a decade afterwards, these banks, each of them run independently and managed locally, were the entire banking network now known as Arvest.

With the price of farmland, and fewer farms inherited, I knew many big ag operators carry a hefty mortgage on their land, but only recently did I learn that many have also financed their seed and or herds.  With Arvest Bank making agri loans, the possibility does exist that Walmart could be the primary, if not exclusive source for groceries, but the same family could own the mortgage on the farms producing the groceries.

Several years ago, YHWH spoke to me, a list of the 10 powers that would come together to form the One World Order, or New World Order.  The list was given in late 2001, after 9/11 and not long after the High Holy Days.  A distinct stipulation came with the list, however; which was to be kept until a time to be revealed.  Nearly five years later, I was told it was time to share that list.  I've said before, I thought I'd just make copies of the list for distribution, but rather; I was led to create a web page as well as write a book about the list of those ten powers.  The web page was simple and direct.  The book, not so much.  I was amazed at the detail Abba led me to connect and share.  At the time of writing "While He May Be Found" there were still many gaps between the powers, but those gaps are closing in, as the chasm between the remnant and the world widens.

Since receiving this list that correlates with Daniel and the book of the Revelation, I began to keep a closer eye on business, rather than politics and governments as the foundation for the One World Order.  The words of Bush 41 seem forever seared into my memory as he informed us of the New World Order from an economic standpoint.  I wasn't walking in Covenant at that time, but I knew enough for it to register!  Not to mention, "the love of money is the root of all evil."  Politicians are really just salesmen that love the power of popularity, and all 501c3 religious organizations already answer to the government, but there are some very, very ruthless business people who truly use their money for full power, and can buy and sell politicians every day through the lobby.   Donald Trump may disprove my previous statement, in that he works for no one, answers to no one and has recently, officially entered the political arena.

For a number of years now, I, along with others, have had an eye on Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, but with Sam Walton dead and gone, I hadn't really considered keeping an eye on the Corporation he founded . . . until recently.  I'm not saying these people or business are the anti-Christ, but we do know the people listed are very wealthy; quite powerful and influential through their wealth, as well as disregarding of Scripture.  WalMart, on the other hand is practically a place of "providential provision"  far beyond just the US.  Walmart is so powerful, Bill Gates or his foundation, actually owns Walmart Stock.

WalMart got on my bad side with the RFID chips back in 2004, and I stopped patronizing, but it really wasn't on my "radar" until the recent sudden closings.  When the Joplin Globe did an article on the restrictions the county assessor was under when entering the big data center in Jane, I realized WalMart has some serious clout, but still hadn't fathomed what I've seen in the past few months.  I have an eye roll moment every time I hear people talk about hating WalMart and not going to WalMart, UNLESS they absolutely have to . . . Over a decade later without WalMart, I'm still alive to tell it.

WalMart truly has a great deal more power than just Supercenters around the world that are open 24/7.  When WalMart comes into a town, the established businesses begin to crumble, and even knowing this, the local government will grant WalMart a great deal of tax break incentives, to the point of reroute existing roads or building new ones. . .  WalMart is the world's largest company by revenue, as well as the world's largest private employer.    As I check off the ten items that we really do rely upon as a society, clearly WalMart takes the lead in COMMERCE.  I can't fully blame WalMart greed in the love of money as the customers have chosen a few pennies saved over the good service offered by independent business owners who are personally invested in the local economy.  The "love of money" can manifest on both ends of the financial spectrum.

When a prescription is filled at WalMart or glasses purchased with an eye exam, that data, of course is maintained for insurance records and now even medical data, but also goes into the private data base in Jane, Missouri.  WalMart and Sam's Club were also poised and ready when Bush 43 introduced Medicare Plan D, with $4.00 generic prescriptions.  Now having added instore Care Clinics at some locations, WalMart is clearly a big player in Health Care.

Although the founder, Sam Walton, did not make donations to philanthropic organizations, since his death, charitable donations from the company now approach 1 billion, annually, which also include tributes and monuments unto the Walton family.  This is a curious matter when compared to the cost to taxpayers according to Forbes, in the subsidizing of WalMart employees for basic living expenses.  An odd economic balance or imbalance exists between the need for employees to receive government subsidies and the fact WalMart offers the greatest savings for their employees to utilize those subsidies right there.  Although we'd never actually say it aloud, when one's earnings limits one's purchasing to that same establishment, that seems dangerously close to bondage or slavery.  WalMart is the largest business for revenue in the world, yet also receives government subsidies indirectly through employed customers, as well as employing the disabled.  There appears to be a direct line between WalMart as a private employer and our government.

 WalMart struck some sort of agreement with DHS through the holiday season in 2010.  A sort of snitch on your fellow shopper plan.   Whether this ultimately involves military with local law enforcement, remains to be seen, but with DHS involved, it clearly goes beyond local law enforcement.  The recent closings in coincidence with Operation Jade Helm 15 did raise a few questions and eyebrows.  There is a definite connection openly established between WalMart and a very powerful, recently created arm of the US Government, in less than ten years of it's establishment.

Communication was another power in the list of ten.  In hearing about and researching a recent kerfuffle about President Obama being invested in a massive cell phone venture inspired a bit of research, I stumbled onto this.  Straight Talk is only available at this time through Walmart, according to a Wikipedia article on TracFone.
>>>Straight Talk is another operator, through a partnership between TracFone and Walmart, offering several different rate plans; a $30 limited plan, $45 30-day unlimited plan and a $60 unlimited international calling plan. Discounts are available for purchasing multiple months of the unlimited plan.
. . . Straight Talk is currently exclusive to Walmart stores because of a joint-venture program between the two companies.
Straight Talk offers a variety of prepaid, no contract, phones on their website for use with their plans. Straight Talk also allows customers to bring AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, or unlocked GSM phones to Straight Talk by buying a SIM card or activation kit and air time from the company.  
This exclusive joint venture offers a vast coverage, bringing together; the technology of many companies.

I wondered where Walmart might fit into the power of religion.  The stores all carry the books by Rick Warren.  Rick has an interesting style and presentation that sounds really good and there are many, many vague references to Scripture, but . . . his charismatic charm offers a deceptive blend of religious philosophy, while definitely downplaying the prosperity teaching of so many mega-church "pastors."  What I found interesting about the books WalMart carries by this famous man is "The Purpose Driven Life" is second only to the Bible in most translated.  Here is the quote from an article posted in Forbes.   "The same spiritual leader who has written the second most translated book in the world (second only to the Holy Bible) and one that’s been on the New York Timesbest-seller for nearly four straight years."  Not to cast dispersion on Walmart or Rick Warren for being business savvy, but there is a strange culturally hailed dependence by the mainstream public for cheap prices and "feel good religion."

Whether it's back to school clothes, shoes, and supplies or a homeschool curriculum, Walmart is the "go to" place.  There is even mention of homeschool grants.  Since this is the paragraph to address those who are trending away from mainstream, Walmart has now added a new section, "Emergency Preparedness Center."  With facial recognition data and RFID chips in random packaging, I'd hazard a guess that finding the WalMart dependent preppers should be relatively simple.

Although I didn't stop patronizing at the time, I do remember an eerie feeling, watching people just sign their checks and "let Walmart fill them out . . ."   It was of course, only a convenience, but one I never opted to utilize.  The last time I was there, it seemed most of the transactions were handled with plastic, either debit, credit, or EBT.  The retailer with the greatest revenue, employees, and shoppers will obviously be a major player as our society continues to move toward "cashless." 

I am in no way suggesting that Walmart has ulterior nefarious intent, although the data storage is quite "Big Brothery."  I believe it's simply a matter of money and the more Walmart offers at "better prices" the greater the chance of having the lion's share of the market in most consumer venues, therefore the greater the revenue.   Some may see that Sam Walton achieved the American dream, and perhaps he did, but this empire has certainly kept that dream well contained to just a very few Americans.   

For the love of money is the root of all evil . . .

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Programmed to Forego the First Amendment

Television has gained another generation of viewers and actors, since my television went out the door.  When I decided to get rid of the TV it wasn't a big religious decision and certainly no ritual involved, I simply no longer wanted one.  I referred to it as my "off switch."  I couldn't stay awake to watch more than a few minutes, so I never turned it on until late at night, then it was on indefinitely . . . My problem in falling asleep while watching, was the fact the programming continued to air while I slept.  I didn't want to be "taking in" the infomercials or whatever, subconsciously without choosing, so it was time to just get rid of it.  It's been wonderful to note how much more peaceful my sleep has been with no television.  In that decision, I became aware of making choices that were not necessarily big and life changing at the time, but that marked a notable distance between myself and mainstream.  I'm not saying televisions are evil, I'm saying they are a very integral part of our society, and the viewing schedule is called "programming" for a reason.

When the nation went from analogue to digital, it was a bigger game changer than most of us realize.  I know some folks did get rid of their televisions, while others just got the box or bought new sets.  Of course, cell phones have become commonplace and SMART technology has just about even rendered the desktop computer, an antique.  Cell phones have definitely relegated pay phones to the historical archives of Americana.  Again, we have a choice, but we have to decide just how "connected" we want to be.  To a point, we base our hours of connection with our level of knowledge and information which I believe is probably part of the programming to keep us tractable, as well as trackable.  I have chosen to maintain a desktop, a laptop, and no cell phone.  On nice days, I can work outdoors with the laptop and my home phone does record messages, so if I miss a call, I can return it.  In reality, I'm not any more important than I was before SMART technology and the world has kept right on going whether I receive a call instantly or return it later.

As a nation who prides itself in being informed and a superpower of the world, we need to realize our first amendment is definitely under attack and our news is filtered and biased.  We may only think we know what's going on!  There is definitely a division and distraction in regard to nearly every headline.  It really doesn't matter whether it's Presidential candidates, Planned Parenthood, Jade Helm or Bruce Jenner . . . There is division, and the uneasy queasy feeling there's more, either to the headline stories or information that is kept from making the headlines.  Every time a Bruce Jenner headline appeared, I wondered what was not being reported.  Oddly, the first Planned Parenthood video hit youtube the day before Operation Jade Helm 15 began.  Two things are quite troubling about both of these very newsworthy items.

The Planned Parenthood videos are becoming increasingly vile and barbaric, yet as I sit here typing about it, what am I actually doing?  Two things and they are both quite passive.  One, I'm not getting an abortion and two, I'm maintaining an income that does not fund Planned Parenthood through federal taxes.  Well, a third thing, I'm publishing information about it, but nothing I am doing is actually stopping the medically approved slaughter and dissection.  I try to keep a list of the companies that support Planned Parenthood to boycott them, and I do not utilize mainstream medicine as much of the fetal tissue that is sold goes to medical research.  Still, all that is passive.  I'm doing nothing proactive to stop this, because I simply do not even know where to begin!  We need to realize though, posting disgust on social media is not actively saving the lives of the pre-born.  The first few videos may have had an impact and I applaud the young man who blew this whistle, but now the videos are so horrific, they really aren't even being shared on social media at this point.  So, perhaps overkill has killed the plan.  Too much information may have been as futile as no information.  Where's the balance?  How much information actually changes things?  Or now the reality we must all face.  With this information, what are we going to do differently, as individuals?  What if this caused all of us to who claim to be pro-life to boycott every company that supported PP and what if we all held the entire medical system accountable for the research companies that procure fetal tissue?  Sadly, it seems change only happens now in this country, if loss of revenue comes into focus.

I said before Operation Jade Helm 15 began that I wondered if it was a mission to desensitize.  It's worse!  We, the people, have accepted that there will be no media coverage and simply decided to divide over this issue as well.  I've been called everything from a fear-monger to a conspiracy theorist.  So be it!  The press is not covering this massive "exercise," while Bruce Jenner is big news?  Please.  There's the desensitization I was concerned about.  If it's just a practice military exercise, the biggest ever, on American soil, why wouldn't the press be a part of that?  Reporters are embedded in military activities all over the world!

We've accepted filtered news and accepted that being told there will be no information, means nothing is happening.  Perhaps, it's the writer in me, but no press coverage seems to be a First Amendment issue and that is a very big deal!  Our press does not have the freedom to cover this on American soil?  This is not a matter of will there be martial law or not?  This is the beginning of the end of freedom of the press!  Let's not forget the business owners who have been put out of business, the new labels of "hate speech" and the intolerance of the Bible.  Free speech and religious freedom are also part of the First Amendment!

So many are oblivious to their surroundings, yet connected by text and twitter.  People are so far removed from their immediate reality that warning after warning about texting and driving go completely unheeded.  We have become a society that is more aware of a reality show, than the reality in which we live!  Meanwhile school is starting with mandatory vaccinations in many places and an agenda of gender confusion across this country, while it is now common knowledge that Planned Parenthood is killing and trafficking human babies.  Oh, look to peaceably assemble is in the First Amendment, also.  Planned Parenthood already got that one.  The people do not have the right to peaceably assemble within so many feet of their facilities.  Those distances vary, based upon city ordinances.
  1. First Amendment - Religion and Expression. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Without the First Amendment, America is not the land of the free!

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  ~  words of Messiah

Friday, August 14, 2015

Power and the Political Process

Several years ago in a Bible Study, I heard these words coming out of my own mouth.  "I don't know what will change between 2012 and 2016, but 2012 will be the last presidential election as we've known them."  Was that prophetic?  The answer to that question remains to be seen.  It is becoming clearer and clearer, however; that America is no longer life as we knew it back when those words were spoken at the turn of this century.  America is not cycling economically and morally, but is on a steady downward spiral.  The economic recovery we keep hearing about, is Wall Street and Big Corporate, not every day mainstream America.  As a matter of fact, many who are considered everyday mainstream America can hardly afford groceries.  There are reportedly between 45 and 46 million Americans dependent upon SNAP, which is approximately 15% of the population.

There are still entirely too many Americans who believe the "right" man or woman chosen to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue can turn this country around.  That is simply not the case.  Consistently, the newly elected occupant of the White House spends the first two years of their first term making sure the entire country knows what a mess the last guy left.  Then he spends the next two years of his first term telling us he needs four more years to get us on track and makes new promises for the future.  What is really amazing about America's political system are the spin doctors.  The incumbent can actually tell us what a mess he walked into, why he hasn't been able to keep his campaign promises, while also telling us what a great job he's doing.  All the while, we look around mainstreet seeing shuttered businesses and watch the price of groceries increase consistently.

As we watch the GOP tear each other to shreds, and the supposed "fair and balanced" FoxNews shape the mindset of their viewers, we tend to forget the real results of this staged choreography.  The people are being divided.  The empire, and that's what this is, best rules the subjects when we "unite" to be divided.  The process is quite serpentine, which makes it all the more troubling on a spiritual level.  First, a large number of our population actually believes our Creator is all for a federal republic style of governing.  The insistence to have "IN GOD WE TRUST" on money and police cars may sound righteous, but Messiah made the point of explaining the separation of government and G-d, using a coin to do so.  Most of this same section of the population believes G-d's laws to be bondage, while America's thousands and thousands of laws are freedom.  That is a serious misnomer.

There is a serious disconnect that is serving to categorize and divide us, and much of it seems to be based in anger and fear, while both parties reference Biblical "concepts out of context" to persuade the public.  It would seem that most Americans actually place their vote, of course, by the letter behind the name, but it's not usually "for" a candidate as much as it's against the other candidate.  Americans just don't really trust politicians.  We all know that!  We openly accept that most campaign promises will never become policy.  There is a huge disconnect between the words of "Candidate Whomever" and "President Whomever," and it is invariably the fault of Congress and the last guy.  Leadership, true leadership, doesn't look to lay blame, it looks to move forward.

Voting "against" the wrong candidate is a lot like pushing a rope or log chain.  You just don't get much accomplished.  I think Jeb Bush is just too much a part of the power process to be nominated, and it seems sad if the democrats really do believe Hillary is the best they can do.  It just seems the voters are getting played on that one.  Donald Trump is making waves and being noticed, but the election is still over a year away.  To maintain front runner status in a crowd this size until next November is highly unlikely, but maybe that will be what sets 2016 apart.  To elect a man that is not a politician and possesses no diplomacy will certainly make for a new America . . .  Then again, an outbreak of some plague, could result in Dr. Ben Carson being forgiven for his mandatory vaccination statement.  Dr. Carson is also not a career politician.  Even if the anger subsides, Americans are tired of the ineptness of Washington DC and would like a candidate they actually believe in, and therein lies the problem.

I'm going to get preachy, here.  It is time to separate our religious beliefs from our government, because all the non-Biblical beliefs are getting minority preferential treatment.  America is not a Christian nation, it is federal republic with a foundation of freedom of religion and religious expression.  I think Bible believers should stop compromising and insisting that unbelievers live as we do.  We need to separate and be the peacemaking counter-culture Messiah and his disciples were.  If everyone who truly claims to place their faith in YHWH placed all their dependency and purpose in Him, and stopped being dependent upon the government, we'd see change.  In my lifetime, our government has moved into the position of Pharaoh in just about every aspect of our lives and we can all read how that turned out . . . slavery.  The direction hasn't suddenly changed in the last few years, it's just become more apparent.   I always include a Bible verse at the end of the blog, but today, I'm also going to include a quote that brings some perspective the direction this country is going and how long it's been heading this direction.

“If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it.”                                       Mark Twain

We've practically elevated our government to godlike status and the "right" politician as a savior.

. . . choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve YHWH.  History in Holy Scripture

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