Thursday, January 10, 2008

If Only Edwards Had Been the Top of the Ticket in '04

I was simply disgusted this morning when I read the headline about John Kerry's endorsement. Actually it has nothing to do with the candidate he endorsed, but rather my disgust was with John Kerry, himself. This morning, he gave confirmation that he is not a leader. He's been watching which way the wind was going to blow, politically and then stepped forth with his "endorsement" against his choice of Vice President in '04. So, if Kerry had won in 2004, would he be changing his choice of Vice President, this election? Certainly looks like it . . . I didn't vote for George W. Bush in 2000 or in 2004, but I am certainly glad I didn't vote for John Kerry, either. The 2004 election, I went and voted for a candidate in every office, except president. I have simply run out of names to write in and I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils and in 2004, I couldn't even figure out which one that would have been, anyway.
I think Mr. Kerry's announcement just indicates he needed someone to carry him in the south in 2004. I like John Edwards. I don't agree with his health care plan and I'm sorry he got so cranky in these past few weeks, but I have always admired the fact that, as a trial lawyer, he held doctors accountable.
I really felt that the Bush campaign got rather ugly with Mr. Kerry in 2004, but this morning Mr. Kerry made this non-republican very thankful that although I don't care for the direction this country has been lead, at least it has had consistent direction. I don't like where we stand right now and I don't know how we will ever be united again, but I can't imagine where the US would be right now, had such indecisive, disloyal leadership been elected.
The integrity of the upright shall guide them . . . a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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