Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Care and Compassion, Enforced

I've finally boiled it down. I see the political process in America. The democrats expand the governmental care and the republicans enforce it. Have you noticed that regardless of the political accusations through a campaign, regardless of how "unreasonable" the legislation has been from the other party; nothing ever seems to get UNDONE after the election? There are few taxes that actually face elimination at their "sunset." And there are few laws that get repealed after the election, regardless of the rhetoric about the previous administration through the campaign. It seems this democrat/republican balance is simply to keep the citizenry off balance. The democrats vote in taxes and more governmental care. The republicans move for more aggression and a stronger invasive government. And you know what it all boils down to? A government that provides and protects; controls and enforces. That's why "the powers that be" preserve the two party system in this self-proclaimed superpower!
Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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