Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Legalized Rudeness

You know, most of the rest of the world refers to "rude Americans" and you know what . . . most of the rest of the world is correct. I haven't been everywhere on the globe, but in my travels, I have found America to be the rudest, arrogant lot of humanity that I have dealt with. And it's throughout our society. We have been treated very graciously in Israel, France, Greece, the Philippines, Haiti, Great Britian, and many Islands, but in America from airports to telemarketers, it seems to just be the trend to be rude. I've been offended for some time by talk radio and their name calling. I think politicizing everything is simply the excuse to be hateful and rude. It would seem it's perfectly acceptable to hold the members of the "other party" in contempt and treat them as such. That is just outrageous! But that is Americana in the 21st Century. I've always made it a point to be kind to telemarketers. I think they have a very difficult job and unlike many, at least they are working. And people do need siding and windows and many things. I do try to answer some surveys, if I have the time, and if I'm not keeping some other person waiting. I learned that when a staunch republican kept me waiting while they took a "pro-life" survey. All I could think while I listened to their blather, was "how rude!" But back to my latest gripe about the rudeness of America. My husband and I have discovered the latest trend of rudeness. Telemarketers that call with their script at the dinner hour, because that's when people are home . . . actually hang up on those that they do call and bother to give them the courteous time of day! Can you believe it? We don't hang up on them, when they start their schpeel. But, after listening to them, when we tell them we aren't interested, they actually hang up on us. How rude! I'm listening to talk radio as I type and I haven't counted the number of times this pundit has used a swear word or mispronounced a "liberal's" name with some sort of ugly connotation, but it's been numerous, and again I think, how rude!
We have become such a hateful and rude society and it's socially acceptable and horribly politically correct and it's from both parties and all walks of life. Does that seem proper, considering John McCain said that America is a Christian nation, and all the conservatives say that this nation was founded on Biblical principles?
America, we are proving the rest of the world to be correct and considering the claims of the conservatives, rudeness just seems totally inapporpriate.
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel . . . New Testament

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Some of these guys even use tragedy to take a shot at their enemies (usually the left or the "liberals") Did you hear what this jerk Glenn Beck said on his show? He was talking about the California fires, and added that "some people who hate America have lost their homes." To me, that's the worst. If that's part of your ordinary attitude to be a total ass and name-call, that's fine. But when a tragedy like that happens, you take it down.

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