Thursday, October 04, 2007

Dems Duped By Limbaugh

I'll make this as short and simple as possible. If the democrats actually succeed at some sort of legislation against Rush Limbaugh ranting and raving and spouting whatever, we all lose our free speech, which is what the Republicans already want. I don't agree with Rush about anything that I can think of right now, but he does have the right to speak, and considering the fact that he has sponsors, he obviously has people listening. So what if he did say something questionable, it's certainly not the first time that he has chosen to be shocking or controversial. Democrats, you have a chance to get the strategic upper hand with this health bill, don't do the republicans' dirty work by destroying the First Amendment!
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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