Thursday, April 30, 2009

Coincidence? Timing?

It seems the last few American presidents had really big plans when they moved into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Perhaps that's because the last two Presidents and the current occupant of the White House are basically career politicians. In the past, men that were elected to the Oval Office had a life outside of politics and campaigning. Many were businessmen, the early ones, and President Carter were farmers, but these last three gentlemen are simply politicians with a degree in something. So maybe that's why they have such huge plans for all of us. We know that President Obama came into the White House fully planning to reorganize our nation's health care, and in less than two weeks after his visit to Mexico, our nation's health may be facing a crisis, never before seen since modern medicine. I'm guessing he'll get his health care reform. He gets everything else he wants and the republicans don't even have to cross party lines, as a matter of fact, they are so outnumbered, their votes against are irrelevant. Don't you love the way our new President has focused on being bipartisan? Actually it's more like uni-partisan in Washington these days. One party takes all! This health crisis and health care agenda is reminding me of the days after 9/11 and how quickly the USA Patriot Act was signed into law, and yet by 2003 our President announced he wasn't concerned where bin Laden even was. I'm just sure it was our utter disgust and exhaustion with one administration that ushered in the nest one. It happened in 2000 and again in 2008. I just can't help but notice the coincidence of the crisis in relation to the agenda and the timing of it all.
The anger of YHVH hath divided them; He will no more regard them . . . Holy Scripture

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