Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Why So Much Anger?

America has gotten to be such an angry aggressive society, and I wonder why? And we can't blame this on the terrorists, we had road rage before 2001. I have listened to the suggested causes for a number of decades now and I am beginning to wonder if it isn't just "in the water?" What if it is all the chemicals in the water, that have caused so much deterioration in our disposition? I mean let's consider the number of chemicals it would take to turn a cess pool into drinking water, not to mention the toxins contained. Or maybe it's the result of all the medications we were forced to take as kids. The baby boomers are the first vaccinated generation. Once again, chemicals! Is it any wonder this was the generation that thought drugs would solve anything? We were taught they were the answer and solution for everything, but only the ones your mother told you to take. Maybe the anger is the result of too much mother control. The baby boomers were also the first generation to have mothers that weren't "farm wives." Farm wives didn't have the free time to sit on top of kids that the industrial revolution moms had. And this, also brought us to chemicals. The incredible number of psychotropic drugs that have been developed in the last thirty years is nearly astronomical. Once again, chemicals! And the chemicals are such a simple solution to reduce stress, enhance awareness, alleviate anxiety, diminish depression, limit lethargy, increase energy, ad infinitum. Take one of these "magic pills" with water and . . . We're back to the water. What if the chemicals of the water treatment plant cause aggression? I've read flouride causes problems. It's great for your teeth, but rots your attitude. What if the water we are drinking causes us to forget decorum, abandon basic civility and actuates aggression?
. . . and if there is poison in their drink . . .

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