Friday, March 04, 2005

The RIGHT be Wrong ???

I awoke this morning to the usual radio reporting of blips, bytes, and blurbs. That is just enough of the news report to realize something is happening, but I am not sure what; if anything, I heard correctly. I was at the point of realizing it was time to get moving, when an interesting conversation began in an interview of one of our state representatives, by our local radio host. It is interesting to note, the representative that I am referring to is also a physician that has enough time and energy to be in the state capital making decisions, as well as tending to his patients. At any rate, he began sharing about his accomplishments of the week, to which I could not believe my ears. Our local college has finally become a University and we now have a plaque etched in stone, by the local monument company, hanging on the wall of the state house, and he actually tied all this hullabaloo into the hearings regarding the Ten Commandments. That's right, His plaque of the Preamble of the State Constitution in the shape of our state contains a reference to Supreme, Almighty Creator. Now, I have a real problem with that. How does anyone equate a project designed and accomplished by man, with Laws etched in stone at the very hand of The Almighty Creator? This is when I really saw the idolatry in our nation and the party of power leading the way. And I began to realize just how much idolatry we have come to accept in the name of patriotism. And I will admit, I attend synagogue weekly, and have not attended every form of worship in America, but have attended some of the prominent Christian denominations. So, back to American idolatry, since our state seems to be leading the way in religious politics and the union of government and worship.
When we hear the national anthem, we stand. What about singing hymns or praises? When we pledge allegiance to the flag, which is an interesting dychotomy already, don't we stand? Is there standing when the Bible is read? I suggested that once in church, based on a passage in Ezra, but . . .
We stand when the Torah is viewed, but few can read the Hebrew that it is written in.
And what about all the pomp and protocol in a room upon the entrance of our political leaders and foreign dignitaries? Anybody see all that go on when there is going to be prayer?
How is it, that we have just accepted all the reverence is due our symbols and leaders, and we can just be casual and cavalier in our regard to The Almighty Creator?
And I won't even get started on the eagle and the list of symbols and monuments that we would never call idols.
And my last thought, as our Supreme Court determines where it is appropriate to display the Ten Commandments. Has anyone considered asking G~d, where He would like them displayed and if He even wants His Words to be considered on the same level as our state Constitution Preamble?

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them, nor serve them

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