Friday, March 11, 2005

Understanding the Difference

Now, I'm simply going to show my ignorance here, but why not? I am having a difficult time understanding the difference between medicare, medicaid, and socialized medicine. I think the main difference between medicare and medicaid is federal and state, and probably the reason or age of the recipient. I think medicare is an "entitlement" by age and medicaid is based on need. So, if that is correct, it is simply a matter of the governmental level. But, since both medicaid and medicare are provided and regulated by the government, what isn't socialized about that? Isn't socialized medicine, medical care that is provided and administrated by the government? So if all of our older generation is on medicare and 20-25% of our younger generation is on medicaid, again I ask, what's the worry about socialized medicine? Now, I don't play the medicine deal at all. My religion states that G~d heals and if I didn't have this religion, I think I have issues with having to pay someone I am supposed to trust. I'm sure I don't want to have to pay someone to look at me with my clothes off, so with all those reasons, I will simply remain an uninvolved inquirer.
And where are e-records going to fit into the equation? I already heard that one of the goals of the present administration is to eliminate paperwork in medical records. So is the main difference between socialized medicine and what we are "fighting for," social awareness? In socialized medicine everyone is aware of and involved in the same program. In our soon to be paperless, HIPAA protected, government regulated medical programs, will the common citizen or concerned loved one even know what they are in for; or why no one will tell them?
But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words

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