Tuesday, March 22, 2005


A word that is highly overused and always defined by the user! I grew up hearing the word FAIR and to this day, I still have no idea what the consistency of the definition was, but I did learn to "see it coming." It always seemed situational and depended upon the "who" in the scenario. My mom always had what I believed to be a complicated, confusing definition of the word FAIR. When my paternal grandmother died and I read her will, which also contained interesting explanations according to her definition of the word FAIR, I did learn something. Men do in fact marry women like their mothers. Now back to fair . . . As I read and attempt to understand that the same people who are now explaining these definitions to us, think like my mom, so she says. So my mother really did prepare me to be a productive member of what we now have for our American society. I feel qualified to comment and perhaps explain, not what is fair, just offer a few varying scenarios and question how the word applies when observing the determination . . .

1. Martha Stewart "lies" to investigators about stock, she goes to jail. FAIR ?
2. President Bush found no weapons of mass destruction, he is re-elected. SCHMAIR

3. Woman falsely arrested on cruise for "marshmallow misdemeanor." FAIR ?
4. Supreme Court determines police can wrongly arrest without facing charges of false arrest. SCHMAIR

5. Republican woman that won't tell her age, has "nothing to hide" from the Patriot Act.
that one doesn't even deserve a FAIR or a SCHMAIR

6. Republican broadcaster uses illegal drugs, he faces no charges. FAIR?
7. Retired baseball players questioned about sterroids 25 years ago, may lose hall of fame status. SCHMAIR

8. Witnesses in murder trial questionable, victim of bad reputation, accused is popular, and found NOT GUILTY / ACQUITTED.
9. Pretty victim, fornicating salesman, circumstantial evidence, new law made, GUILTY/ DEATH.

10. Judge Roy Moore dismissed for refusing to remove Ten Commandments FAIR?

Dr. Kavorkian jailed in the same country that Terri Schaivo's mother is court ordered to deny her a drink of water . . .

And thou shalt do that which is right and good in the sight of Adonai

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hitting the nail on the head blindfolded and never missing; that's preparation! the goy

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