Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What's With This National Obsession?

This morning I heard Dr. Bill still trying to discuss the Clinton fiasco in the midst of the Scooter Libby situation. It sounds like Dr. Bill thinks Scooter is getting a raw deal, and I would agree, but then I wasn't one of the "stone throwers" in 1998. Actually, I was just glad I didn't have small children in the home when the news began using words and discussing topics, not recommended for family viewing. But as I lay there listening to the alarm, I thought to myself. If the republicans had not been so determined to make a federal case out of a mid-life tryst, perhaps they wouldn't find themselves now "stranded on the high road." And frankly, I find it to be their just desserts. I just think it's a shame that so many in the nation are satisfied that one of the republicans got thumped, that they will overlook the fact that the real problems are still loose and making decisions for the rest of us. And I corresponded with more than one young woman today who sound very much like those older religious right women, although they would never relate to them, that drone on and on about the evil in the world, while they sit on top of everyone like hawks, just waiting. It's as if this obsession with evil simply skips a generation, as far back as recorded history. I hear the same news reports and pseudo questions from these young women with children, that I heard from my mother, when I was allowed no freedom and you know what I have decided . . . The people that had freedom always think other's must be hindered and others must give account, while they seem to somehow always be deserving of their power and freedom, without question. These young women are very much like these witch hunting politicians that were born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They had freedom, they deserved their freedom and respect, and all those that do not see life their way, simply do not. I find it sad that those who have enjoyed power and freedom feel the need to restrict others from that same "luxury." And I find it interesting that those who give the least respect, expect the most. Isn't it always interesting to listen to the obsessions of those that find the evil and demand the accountabilty in others? I just hear the republicans and think to myself . . . they know they couldn't get away with what Bill Clinton got away with, either politically or at home. And I think of these young women with their control issues and I think, they are raising the next anti-establishment generation. And I think they both sound just the same to me.
Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked: a Prover of Holy Scripture

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