Monday, June 25, 2007

The News Just Isn't Good

The headlines today are just horrible. A married cop allegedly killed his pregnant girlfriend, and supposedly or allegedly an old friend from high school helped him hide the evidence or something. The British journalist that was taken captive by some jihadist group has been videoed, requesting that no one intercede on his behalf, and he's requesting this while wearing an explosive belt. Israel has been left alone, once again, by her "closest ally." George W. Bush is not going to participate in the negotiations. Isn't that just sweet, since he's the one that has orchestrated much of the current events of the Middle East? The Supreme Court ruled to allow the government to finance charitable religious organizations. That is just crazy, since we already know charitable organizations spend an outrageous percentage of their donations on administrative costs. Doesn't everyone know by now, if the government is involved, the government is going to be in charge? There'll be no separation of church and state, if the church chooses to be financed by the state . . . So, realizing there is not one thing, I can do about all of this, I decided there was a productive way to spend my time. I made homemade raspberry jam, canned green beans, and spent the day with my grandchildren. I've gone through a strange metamorphosis in life. When I was a kid, my mother told me how scary the world was. Well, I never found it as frightening as she portrayed it, but she's still talking about the horrors. Only now it does seem the caliber of the evil of the world is finally catching up to her evil stories. But it's as if there is an entire group of people that have made the choice to be afraid for the rest of their lives. I'm of a different ilk. If someone has more power than I do and they are out to get me, as the current administration and his followers believe, then I say live life to the fullest while I can. I'm not talking partying or whatever, I'm simply saying, if attacks and death are inevitable for all of us and it is out of our control, then what should I do? Value every minute that G~d gives me, with the people I love and accomplishing the the things I love to do. So, if I only have today left, before some arch nemesis wipes me out, then G~d already knows that and I'm glad my grandchildren have had homemade ice cream, fresh raspberry jam, and gotten to hear the sound of the canning jar seal. And if we still have more days in the wake of the fear mongering, then my grandchildren may get to learn more of the simple things that G~d has allowed. Knowing now, that our government can only protect us by scaring us, I feel that I have special insight into the survival techniques, since that was also the technique used in my childhood. I hope my grandchildren get to grow up knowing there are little oases of peace here and there, and I hope they are getting to learn from me, how to appreciate peace and the value of simplicity.
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

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