Thursday, June 14, 2007

So Where Do Babies Come From?

My daughter is waiting for her kids to ask that question. According to what I read today, it would seem many of them come from a petri dish in a fertility clinic. I have had an axe to grind with doctors for years, but it's now come down to the very basics of life. Years ago, I planned to become a physician and revolutionize American medicine, but I don't believe in the powers of medicine, and doctors do have power, but it isn't G~d given. Oh, I tried the allopathic route, by choice, for a few years and it nearly killed me. And of course, I, like most of the boomers grew up knowing that doctors "knew" so much more than anybody, which is why everyone aspired to be one, or was encouraged to aspire to be one. My grandchildren were born in a hospital, and when there was a complication, the "experts" very quickly passed the responsibility off, everywhere they could, and I became the religious grandma that just didn't understand. Even to the point, my mother told me I better not say anything to offend the "doctors" they'd have security on me. Well, I didn't bow down then, and I don't now. But back to this basic beginning of life. For thousands of years, women have had babies, because that was the Creator's design. Giving birth was not a medical procedure, it was reproducing the species. I did a bit of checking. Seventy years ago, only 37% of women gave birth in a hospital. My dad was born at home and he isn't yet 70, nor was he from a backward, uneducated people. It was just that birth was simply a fact of life, not a medical condition. Pregnancy isn't a disease, so how did it become so medical? And now, since doctors have become involved, they have taken the power to determine that embryos can be removed from the womb or made in a petri dish and placed in a womb. In less than a single century, these power mongers have changed what women have been doing for centuries and "overridden" the design of our Creator. They have presumed to have power over life. As I was researching this insane phenomenon, I happened on to something quite interesting. In the beginning of the 20th Century, physicians were using something they called "twilight sleep" and promising painless childbirth. Well, that was all it took for women to put their trust in doctors, rather than G~d, their maker. The same thing the serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden, was repeated thousands of years later. The doctors promised women that same slimy promise. What G~d had spoken, would be irrelevant if they just trusted "modern medicine." Interestingly, to this day, I don't know any women who claim to have experienced painless childbirth, yet. As a matter of fact, I don't know any woman that doesn't have a delivery woe to tell about, well, with the exception of my Grandma, who gave birth at home. She never did cater to the notion of doctors being more powerful than G~d. As our timeline continues, by 1950, 88% of women gave birth in hospitals, and doctors were by then, the child experts. I personally think, that explains the drug era of the 60's and 70's, and the so-called disrespect that the older generation claimed was shown by the boomers, but what do I know, I'm not a doctor! It was our parents that taught us, drugs made you feel better, and babies came from doctors and hospitals. So, as doctors continue to charge outrageous fees to defy the laws of nature, where will this go from here? I laughed when I actually heard people talking about scheduling the births of their children. That's right, there are people in the country, so brainwashed or stupid, that they think babies won't come unless a doctor intervenes. They must think that, or they would protect the unborn from unnecessary intervention. As a matter of fact, I read, when the doctors first got involved in childbirth, the mortality rate actually increased from excessive intervening procedures. And here they are, 70 years later, attempting to intervene further. I am personally of the opinion, since G~d spoke the punishment to Eve regarding childbirth; not medicine, but Messiah holds the key for painfree childbirth.
Unto the woman He said, . . . in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children . . . Torah
Messiah hath redeemed us from the curse of the law . . . New Testament

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