Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Too Big to Fail

I've been hearing in the news for several weeks now, that our government is picking and choosing who will receive help and who will simply sink. This latest terminology has truly gotten me thinking. If CitiGroup or whomever is "too big to fail," but will, without government intervention, they have already failed. And to hear the rest of our economy is dependent upon the success of CitiGroup, then that should indicate just where our economy truly stands. When a young mother needs government assistance we hear all sorts of commentary, "she's failed, ruined her life, another child growing up in poverty" . . . but a corporate giant can receive government assistance because they are so rich and so important . . . and have been so successful. Why is it some in this world can fail and others can be held up in judgment and still others can simply take a trip and live lavishly on the money of others? As for me personally, one of the many that is not too big to fail, I am ever so thankful, that as an indebted government without a vision or a standard, brings billions of unbacked dollars to the "rescue" of yet another failed bank, that my G~D is too big to fail!
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for YHVH thy G~D, He it is that doth go with thee; He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. Torah of Holy Scripture

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