Thursday, November 06, 2008

Unresolved Issues

I awoke this morning to a gay man in California speaking to a reporter, saying something to the effect of, 'We cannot be used as political pawns!' And I logged in to a forum complaining about the Democrat's stance on right to choose. I'm not going to belabor these points or issues, but I would like to ask just a few questions.
I'll start with abortion.
Dear Conservative Voter,
I realize you will be faithful to the party that claims to value life, with the word "claims" being the operative. Now I have a question with observatory comment. We have had, for the last 8 years, a President that claims to be conservative and pro-life. Until November of 2006, we had a Congress that was republican since 1994, a Supreme Court that is comprised of seven out of nine Justices appointed by Republican Presidents, and yet . . . nothing has changed about the subject of abortion. What is your party doing, regarding the actual laws pertaining to abortion? I've heard the rhetoric, but what was being done all those years of conservatives in power? I saw the anti-Obama add with the nurse talking about the horrors she witnessed at the hospital where she worked. I realize she wants to change legislation, but she never mentioned changing her job or taking a stand against this horror at her place of employment . . .
on the gay issue
Dear LGBT,
Just a couple of questions on this whole marriage thing? You refer to the gay lifestyle as "alternative." If your lifestyle is alternative, why do you want to do what heterosexuals are doing? How is that alternative? And, for general information, just how many happily married heterosexuals do you even know? The divorce rate is astronomical! In the very brief time Massachusetts has had same-sex marriages, they have also had to figure out how to grant a same-sex divorce. You said alternative, and you call it gay. Why give all of your lifestyle power to the politicians and the voting majority, which probably happens to be, for the most part, dissatisfied heterosexuals. Do you realize how much personal power you are giving up to be political pawns every election season?
The reason these issues remain unresolved is because they are religious issues that have been politicized. The Bible does discuss both topics and the Bible separates abortion from murder, and actually I don't know of a specific statement regarding lesbianism, but It does talk about homosexuality and cross dressing. The deal about this though, is this. The Bible is the living standard for people that are in Covenant with G~D and accepted HIS invitation to live by laws of the Bible. It doesn't apply to people that don't want to do it or don't believe the Bible. The Bible is not the book designed to ignite political hot button issues, the Bible is G~D's Word to man and man can take it or leave it. It really is that simple, and nowhere in the Bible is man instructed or admonished to sprinkle a few Biblical principles over his politics. Biblical principles and commandments are for those that believe It.
If you love me, keep my commandments. Messiah


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