Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wednesday Seemed Pretty Normal When I Awoke

Earth appeared to still be tilted and spinning the same direction. I heard part of President-elect Obama's victory speech and he sounded good, but then he's always been eloquent, and I have no idea where he stands, except soon, it will be at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I heard part of Senator McCain's concession speech and he was absolutely sharp and defined, and every bit the gentleman, hero that he is. As far as I'm concerned, he knew what he was up against and I don't mean his opponent, but rather the reputation of the entire republican party. John McCain was at times funny, sometimes tense, but always he looked like he knew how this would go. I truly think most of us did. As for the President elect, the timing and circumstances were certainly on his side in many ways. I'm guessing there was no other man on earth that would have taken Oprah's endorsement away from Hillary last winter. There's never been a time in history in which the sitting president had a lower approval rating and no rising star in his party, so although I think P-E Obama is an intelligent man and gifted speaker, another time and another circumstance might have insisted that we know more about him. I promise to be at least as supportive of his administration as I have been of the last one. I do like his VP, however; a lot more than what we've had for the last 16 years.
I have an off topic issue that I wanted to mention today. It involves a telemarketing experience that compares to none other I've had. We were enjoying brunch when the phone rang and my husband answered it. I could tell right away, it was someone promoting something. He told them he wasn't interested three times, and that he was eating. The gentleman, Aaron, was so insistent, my husband offered the phone to me, as I usually have a knack for handling the telemarketers. I never hang up on them. Remember, we don't have a TV, and everyone needs a little entertainment. This Aaron continued with his schpeel, to which I continued to tell him I wasn't interested. He got his supervisor and she proceeded to go on and on about how educated she was sure I was by the way I spoke and carried myself. hello! All I had said was, "I'm not interested," repeatedly. Finally she explained to me that by not hanging up I had wasted everyone's time. The company was, Calypso Cay, a timeshare deal, and when I decided to mention this on the blog, I Googled "Calypso Cay." Sure enough, I found many complaints regarding their way of doing business, if you can call it that, and read many posts about very similar experiences to ours. Unfortunately, some of these people had actually given them their credit card information. I was fortunate, I just got a lecture from them regarding time management.
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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