Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Media - Fiction or Non?

I really should have mention FOXNews in the title, but I take exception with giving too much attention for something I don't appreciate, so I'll simply give the link in the article and move on from there. Frankly, there is so much more published at this point that just feeds the confusion, it's a bit difficult to cull out FOX alone in this media frenzy. So much of our media is simply a matter of opinion and emotional hot button issues, that information containing just the facts is hardly even an option. Beyond the "grabber" headlines, one must wade through the implications, innuendos and editorializing in the hope of obtaining a thread of truth about current world events. This article was in the opinion section, but was included in the headlines on the homepage yesterday, entitled "The 'Recession' is a Media Myth." I know it was listed on the homepage, because I never seek the opinion page of FOXNews.,2933,343671,00.html
It is the writer's opinion, apparently, that the present media storm regarding the American economy is nothing more than left-wing, political propaganda. I was wondering how "conservative" America had muddled through these last few months of economic woes without blaming the Clinton years, when lo and behold John Lott, Jr. addressed that very issue, in his editorialized opinionated article.
Now, if there is no fear of recession and things are not as bad as we are being told, what's going on? I haven't noticed any member of the media at the gas pump telling me it was bad, I can pretty much see that for myself, as the monetary tally spins rapidly out of sync with the tally of gallons being added. And I haven't noticed any member of the media ahead of me in the market place marking prices up. Has the media convinced the chickens to hold their eggs for ransom? According to egg prices, that would be the indication. Let's get serious here. Prices have skyrocketed and the media isn't manufacturing that information, we can see it for ourselves. The fact that Mr. Bernanke has just now only hinted at the word "recession" after dropping interest rates two percentage points in two months and bailed out Wall Street, the corporate bankers and lenders simply tells me, he doesn't have to pump his own gas or do his own grocery shopping.
And as for the trucker's strike. They know that will make no difference. The new laws regarding trucks from Mexico will simply pick up the slack. They are trapped and they know it.
And now, in the midst of blame and opinions flying, there is a new emotional issue coming to the forefront. Look out! This is the "game" they play every time! Have you noticed the inordinate number of articles addressing the subject of autism, lately in the news? And of course the controversy of the possible role of vaccinations in the increase cases of autism. Add the controversial headlines of children dying without medical intervention and we should have a completely side tracked constituency for the next upcoming crisis, legislation, and loss of more rights.
For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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