Monday, April 14, 2008

A Few Questions I Have

Perusing the headlines, and reading a few articles, I find that basically the more things change, the more they stay the same. This week is beginning with me having just a few questions to which I cannot find answers.
1. If the unknown and unlocated girl/woman from the FLDS group had to whisper and sneak to make a phone call to report her fears, after the conditions in the Fort to which they have been moved were made known, why have the cell phones been confiscated by state injunction, for the good of the cause? So, after the "rescue" these women don't have access to the outside world. One way is illegal and one way is protection? I don't get it . . .
2. If the economy was stable just six months ago, according to our President and all his nay-sayers were wrong, how did we get to a mortgage crisis, unemployment problems, inflated prices of basic consumer costs, deflation of the dollar, and a recession . . . since Thanksgiving?
3. If incandescent light bulbs are contributing to global warming, after they are eliminated from homes and offices, how much will the heat bill rise to compensate for the loss of the heat from the bulbs?
4. I read that oil just topped $111.00 a barrel due to the decline of the American dollar. We have no oil, to speak of, but our money is controlling this?
5. I also read there is a food shortage, world wide. Why are we using corn to make gasoline instead of feeding people? And since we are using corn to make gasoline to reduce the cost from oil dependency, why is gasoline so high? It appears to me, that corn is cheaper to use as food than it is as fuel.
Come now, and let us reason together . . . a prophet of Holy Scripture

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