Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I Think This Answered My Question, Finally

As I have mentioned, I've been following the reports about the FLDS group in Texas. Something just seemed over the top in this situation. I read the report on FOXNews today and it was reported that when Law Enforcement presented the warrants and began going through their belongings and gathering children and women, the people responded with prayer and singing . . . I read that the living quarters were "ransacked" and many of the records the people were keeping were confiscated . . . for what? Law enforcement was supposed to be looking for a 16 year old woman that had filed a domestic abuse complaint. Why would the law be looking in Bibles and private information for a human being they were supposedly going to protect? It just never really washed or rang true. Then I saw a picture and that picture is simple worth more than a thousand words.

Was all this necessary to find a 16 year old, which they still have not done ?

Is the war zone in Iraq this well equipped? All this to serve a warrant?
There were no firearms confiscated in this invasion . . . Just what is Texas expecting and prepared for?
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: New Testament

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