Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cult or Just Out of Step With the National Religion?

I don't happen to agree with the religious beliefs of Warren Jeffs or the FLDS, but then I don't agree with a number of mainstream religious leaders, and mainstream American Christianity doesn't agree with me. So, who does the sorting, the declaring of truth, and the enforcing of cult rescues? Granted our country has laws, and many of them, although claim their founding from Scripture, are clearly not. Many of our allies have many cultural laws that we in America would disagree with, but we pick and choose whom we invade over such disagreement. I can't help but wonder, as America accommodates Muslims regarding their religion, will their stand on polygamy be acceptable? Saudi has a religious or morality police. Is that where we are going? Will the ATF and FBI simply enforce the religious laws of our land? And I realize, we in America have drawn an arbitrary line, regarding age and childhood. Our teens are old enough to access their own birth control, actually be given access to condoms through some school districts, can obtain abortions without parental consent, but they must be "legally" needing all this with someone in their own age group. I find that questionable. Two middle schoolers with access to play like grown ups are not in any position financially or socially to take the responsibility of the potential consequences known as parenthood. A 21 year old cannot legally date a 14 year old, but an 80 year old can date an 18 year old, without any legal concerns, whatsoever. Clearly, Congress has too many non issues to vote upon. I'm not defending or justifying what Jeffs was accused of doing, but I do wonder in this country, where rape is so difficult for most women to have prosecuted, how it is that Jeffs is doing time for accessory to rape. Perhaps he was a tyrant or dictator, I don't know, but there are tons of hell, fire, and brimstone breathing preachers condemning many of us to hell. And I've had more than my share of church ladies in my face about not meeting their standard . . . So how is it, that everything outside of mainstream American Christianity has become a potentially illegal cult? What is going to happen to all these women and children that have supposedly been rescued? Will they get to bow down to the system that rescued them and get to live on welfare programs and be trained with some sort of "futures" education grant? I do realize there are laws in our country, but when people are at a place by choice and raising their children according to their choice, does our government truly have a right to intervene when it is a community's way of life. This is not an isolated case of abuse. I realize, if these guys show up at the court house for a sixth or seventh marriage license, bust them, or make them do what most of our society does. Go get a divorce between marriage license applications. If they are not obtaining state licenses for a man to live with more than one woman, is it polygamy, by legal definition? I fear this is really not about a rescue or about the law, it's about making certain religious beliefs, illegal. I would think our great nation, if it were truly founded on Christian Scripture would know the danger of legislating religious beliefs.
And now I say unto you, Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will come to nought: But if it be of G~d, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against G~d. Acts of the New Testament

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