Monday, March 03, 2008

So, Who Will The Media Elect?

I realize all so called conservatives truly believe the media is biased toward the liberal agenda.  I've heard the conservative pundits banter on and on about the liberal media.  I guess radio pundits don't realize radio is also under the umbrella of the word known as media.  Media is all sorts of methods of communicating information.  I guess, I've noticed the TV and newspaper media are honest about their agenda and leaning, whereas conservative talk radio doesn't even acknowledge the fact that conservative talk radio is part of the media, much less the fact that these spokespersons are doing everything they can, to influence their listeners.  I had to laugh the other day when I read some conservative pundit's article about the fact that he isn't trying to influence his listeners, he's only entertaining them.  That truly says a lot about his listening audience.  Most conservatives that I find myself speaking with and listening to, seem to think they are just pretty well informed.  And if "reporting negative things" about others is entertainment to the speaker or the listener, I think that is simply sad.  Conservative talk radio needs to realize, conservative talk radio is also media with an agenda.  Then, it would at least come across honestly.  
I'm fine with both sides having their agendas.  With no agenda, there is no direction.  I would hope both sides would have some sort of direction in mind, other than just aiming at each other.  Now, I heard from the "liberal media" a couple of sound bites.  One was Obama with his usual "change" and "work" rhetoric and it was lengthy as sound bites go.  Then there was the quick replay of Hillary's laugh and some comment she made, regarding the way she laughed and that was all there was about Hillary.  I didn't hear it, but I have heard several listeners of conservative talk radio comment about the program in which Sean Hannity played over and over, Hillary's laugh.  I'm so sad that Sean finds that entertaining or informative, but since I didn't hear it first hand, I can't say more.  I've only listened to him for an hour one time and that was all I wanted to hear of the repitition he was expounding upon that day.  I don't need a topic beaten to death over a 2 to 3 hour period to get the point, and I certainly don't find it entertaining, but . . .
We do know the media picks and chooses who gets coverage and who does not.  And we also know that those that get coverage, either positive or negative stay in the public eye.  And basically, we know that media is all about selling.  Selling products, selling ideas, selling information, selling the future.
Clearly CNN gives Obama positive light, and Hillary is fading into the dark shadows.  McCain isn't saying much right now, or at least it's not being reported.  I thought the concern some politico tried to raise was offensive, to say the least; about McCain.  He was born outside of the US, you know while his father was serving in the military, and the question arose whether or not he could be president according to the Constitutional requirement for the office.  I've never voted for a republican president in my life, but I found that comment and concern outrageously reprehensible, especially in the middle of two wars with a voluntary military.  But the,n maybe that was just one more way for the media to discourage enlistment.  Who knows any more?  So, with Huckabee trailing distantly, McCain might as well let Obama and Hillary fight it out, 
tomorrow.  The media, both liberal and conservative seem mostly about controlling their audience
with would-be information and or entertainment.  The media has really convinced me that aggression, divisiveness 
and hate, sell.  And they sell good in America!  So, will Obama and his outspoken wife bring change to 1600 
Pennsylvania Ave and the rest of the country?
 Personally, I think, by comparison, Michelle Obama makes Hillary look pretty 
quiet and demure.  Or will John McCain be the man in the oval office next January 21?  I have my 
thoughts on the matter, but the one thing I do know for sure, is the media will continue to feed the 
fear and the frenzy until that Tuesday in November.  I, personally, think the media, both TV and "conservative talk radio" want Obama to 
Change of admnistration and strategy spells headlines, not to mention the first black president.
 And without someone to complain about, talk radio has nothing to talk about.
But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.   the Apostle Peter   

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