Friday, March 14, 2008

Actions Speak LOUDER Than Words

At the risk of being overbearing, I'm just going to make a couple of comments regarding information I happened upon early this morning. I read that President Bush said if he were young, he'd go to Afghanistan to serve in the military. You know what, when President Bush was young, there was a war going on, and he didn't leave the states. It's so easy to say what someone would do, when they aren't faced with actually having to do it!
I did a little check into AARP, also. I can't express just how unimpressed I am with their propaganda. Now that I'm fifty, I get their promo mailings. Everything I've read so far seems to indicate they want to cater to the most selfish of our society, you know, those that have earned it! They boast a potential membership of 30 million. I'm guessing there is a considerable amount of overlap between their 30 million and the 20 million collecting social security, because "they paid into it." What I find absolutely amazing is the travel offers through AARP. They offer global packages. Isn't that a great way for the Americans with the most expendable cash and free time to contribute to the American Economy? I read all about the trip arrangements to China. Isn't that country getting enough of our money? Say, now that all the non working Americans have the promise of a Tax Rebate, I just wonder where the AARP gang will be spending theirs. I got one of those E-mail Forwards about the Tax Rebates to boost our economy, which pointed out the incredibly obvious. Spending, even, in America promotes foreign economies.
So realizing we have one tenth of our nation's population receiving propaganda about how to spend income from other's hard work and focus their time, completely on themselves, it's easy to see how America got into this mess.
And isn't it good to know, our sixty something President would gladly serve in a war, NOW. Meanwhile, I'm getting ready to spend a week with my grandchildren and teach them how to live off the land in a third world country. Who knew my time in ministry overseas, I would have learned so much that will soon need to apply here in America? I hear plenty of talk from elders and leaders, but their actions don't match their words and their actions speak much louder.
. . . deliver up their children to the famine, and pour out their blood by the force of the sword . . . a Prophet of Holy Scripture


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Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?

K D Elizabeth said...

Thanks Home Theater. I will be visiting you as well.

Anonymous; As for personal experience or information on line . . . I simply listen and observe, as well as research and read.

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