Thursday, March 13, 2008

Just Wondering

Did Geraldine Ferraro do the same thing Scooter Libby did a few months ago? Is this latest political fiasco in the Rodham-Clinton camp just a diversion from bigger problems? I read what I thought was the full context of what Geraldine said, and frankly, I thought it made a lot of sense and didn't seem racist at all. If anyone in this country thinks gender and race aren't taken into consideration, then they are truly missing or avoiding reality. Observing racial and gender differences does not make one a bigot. Geraldine made a brilliant point regarding her own name on the 1984 Ticket with Mondale. She said, if she'd been a man with the same level of political obscurity, she'd have never even been considered, much less named VP candidate. So, was that statement chauvinistic? Hardly! She was absolutely correct in her assessment of the circumstances at the time. I've thought for some time, it was sad that this democratic primary continues to be about gender and skin tone. If only, there was some genuine depth to either candidate. I clearly remember a relatively obscure state legislator suddenly taking center stage at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. His name was Barack Obama. He is very well spoken, quite dignified, and intelligent. I have no idea if he is a man of conviction or not, since I truly never hear just where he does stand on an issue, but I do know, I saw the wheels of politics turning back in '04 concerning Mr. Obama. How would recognizing the fact that Mr. Obama's skin tone is dark, make someone racist? Has our country ever before had a state legislator in his position? Just how many "tides have turned" since Bill Clinton was accused of a racist remark in South Carolina? Didn't that sort of rally the black community against the man that had been considered an honorary member of that very community, just 7 years ago? As a matter of fact, the fact that I read "black community" or "black constituency" indicates there is a racial line already clearly established. Geraldine never even indicated Obama was commanding the lead because he was black, she merely stated being black was to his benefit. And clearly it has been. This accusation of racism is completely out of line and Hillary offering apologies is ridiculous. It just sounds like political pandering and that always comes across to me, as a complete disrespect of the voters. It became racial when Oprah drew the line between supporting a woman candidate or a black candidate. Has Oprah ever stumped for a presidential candidate before? Why isn't anyone calling her a racist?
. . . for man looketh on the outward appearance, but YHVH looketh on the heart. Holy Scripture

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