Thursday, March 06, 2008

Do-Overs and Double Standards

Some of the topics in the news these days, simply defy logic. There are two that I must address. This Democratic "outcry" over Michigan and Florida delegates is just ridiculous. It really is high time the constituents of these two candidates realize there are no "do-overs" from decisions made in the Oval Office. Decisions made by the resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue have potentially immediate consequences for millions, even billions of people. And the voters make the initial decision that grants that power. The voters of these two states already knew they were giving up their delegate seats in the National Conference by having early primaries. I have a problem with people that want to change the rules in the middle of the "process," and to be honest, I don't think their votes should count at this point. That's only my opinion and I don't live in either state. Now, if it was the state party convention that made this decision and didn't explain it to the voters, that would be another matter, but I heard about it, before February 5, so surely it was common knowledge. The political process of America is the foundation upon which our national and international decisions are made. This is real life and if a person is going to vote, it is their responsibility to be informed, there's just no room for OOPS and DO-OVERS.
Now, about this double standard that we, Americans are taking internationally . . .
Dr. Rice was noted in many news sites to say that America defended Israel's right to defend themselves, but they needed to be careful where they were "returning" rocket fire. I have a lovely homespun allegory for this situation, precisely. I remember growing up with this same republican double speak. My sister is three years younger than I, but a bit more aggressive than I was. My mother forbade fighting, so that was strange enough, but she also stated that I was not to hit my sister "back" because she was littler. Let me give a perspective on behalf of both myself and Israel. If my younger sister was too little to receive physical repercussions from a sibling, she needed to curb her aggression to begin with. Now if, Palestine is worried about their innocents getting hit by "return fire," don't launch the rockets that draw the return fire. Abbas, sitting over there in the West Bank, you sound like my mother used to. If you do not want Gaza to receive any fire from Israel, then you deal with Hamas and teach them how to work and play well, with others. Israel is obviously alone in the Middle East, with an ally that is also an ally with nearly all of Israel's enemies.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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