Thursday, November 08, 2007

"They" Say the Economy Will be Slowing . . .

Wow! Now that oil is nearly $100.00 a barrel, and mortgages are crumbling, and plants and factories have been closing for years, and the family farm is either a thing of the past or mortgaged into the next century, "they" used the word "inflation" today. Ya think??? I haven't been able to understand this denial for the past several years. I remember through the Clinton years, when the deficit from the Reagan/Bush years was suddenly gone and the budget was balanced. I asked then, in passing, "Who bought us, out?" My guess back in the mid 90's, was China. If we go back a little further in time, to the 'recession' in the Reagan years; the demise of the union, the wage reductions in company negotiations, and the addition of the military to the employment/unemployment statistics, we can clearly see the point in time that America determined to alter the terminology and realign the statistics, rather than actually address the issues or repair the problems, and the neocons still refer to this time as the great time in America and a truly great President. Well, I have great sympathy for Mr. Reagan, in that it was clearly obvious by the middle of his second term that he suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Now, on back a bit further to the Carter days. I realize now, from the neocon perspective, just about everything that has happened in recent US history is Jimmy Carter's fault, and I would disagree. As I listen to the aggression of the neocons, I remember the skit from Saturday Night Live when Dan Aykroyd did a great "Jimmy" and told us, that with inflation, we could all be millionaires, and you know what . . . American millionaires are so common, now, that to make the Fortune 500, you have to be a billionaire. I'd love to have a dime for every current neocon that was a democrat then, or managed to gather enough inflation affected assets, otherwise known as appreciable investments, to be worth a million, now. Just a dime for each of them, would put me in a new tax bracket! So, where are we going from here? We have relabelled inflation, we have focused our bounty on a war effort and ultimately, we are now facing the fact that it costs the average young family 2 incomes to just survive and own nothing. As for founding fathers? Well, the previous generations have to take care of their own old age and they paid into it and blah, blah, blah . . . They aren't about to make the same sacrifice the patriots are said to have made. The worst of democracy is about to rare it's ugly head. We are entering a new place where fascism and communism meet, where every generation claims their own entitlement and every person touts their own special accomplishment, contribution or need and it's called: "socialistic selfism."
But G~d said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward G~d. New Testament

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