Monday, November 05, 2007

Let's Talk About Torture

It truly bothers me that so many in our country are so comfortable with the concept of "harsh interrogation methods." And because they are comfortable with the concept, it isn't torture! How many things in life are like that. It isn't bad if I approve . . . and the flip side, if I feel it's appropriate, then it's fine. I read that our beleaguering Congress had issues with confirming a new Attorney General because of his potential to define torture too conservatively, but they've since resolved those concerns, and it looks like he's in. And so we've heard about water boarding. I read that the military doesn't use it, it's a CIA operation. Well, I heard someone call in on Mark Levin, saying he was in the military and he'd had it done to him in training, so the military is doing it, according to him. Now, are they training our military to counter the effectiveness? Who knows? Who will ever tell us? What concerns me, is how open we are to "doing whatever it takes" to get someone to talk. You know, I pray, I would never denounce my faith under pressure, but anything else . . . I'd tell them whatever I thought they wanted to hear and I'm serious. Don't you think people just make stuff up to make it stop? Now, the way I understand water boarding is it creates the illusion and fear of drowning. Don't you wonder what sick mind in the intelligence department thought this one up. Anyway, conservative America just doesn't think that's torture, so we should quit talking about our techniques so the enemy can't figure out how to counter the effort. It is truly sick and disgusting and it's always framed in the mantra of the war on terror and the scary world in which we live. Well, I think the people that think this stuff up make the world a pretty scary place to be. And I don't know how I feel about a group of people that reclassify and use euphemisms for these acts. From what I've read, just having to deal with the CIA or Congress could go in the category of torture, anyway. And I've not had too many pleasant experiences with the staunch conservatives. I remember seeing the title, although I didn't read the book, by Ann Coulter, "How to Talk to a Liberal (If you Must)" and so I usually just think to myself when the conservative rants begin "No Need to Talk to Conservatives, They Aren't Listening." How can our general public hear about a technique that is used by our government and not cringe? How can we not fear for what will happen to our children? Even if we were to win this war on terror that cannot be won, how jaded will the next generation be? How horrible does treatment have to be, to be defined as torture?
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them . . . New Testament

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