Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Statistically Speaking, a Group of 50 Men and 50 Women all Have One . . .

Statistics and research can be fascinating. They can also render exactly what someone chooses them to "reveal," depending upon the number of variables considered. I listened this morning to Kevin Wall, "sitting in for Dr. Bill Bennett" and three thoughts entered my mind, which isn't bad for 6am. 1. The republicans "pro Constitution" is a serious agenda against the Bill of Rights. and 2. Dr. Bill gives the favored "students" a wonderful opportunity to learn the fine art and skill of programming their audience. and 3. Keeping the country politically divided keeps the country from seeing the entire picture.
Kevin had two topics that he kept hammering. He wanted his caller's views of the "Fair Tax" and he wanted to keep taking jabs at the arrogance of the Free Press. Now, considering this is a man that aspires to rub elbows and to attain the status of peer and contemporary with the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, I found the fact that he used the term "arrogance" in a negative way, absolutely laughable. Can you imagine . . . passing judgment and using the term arrogant when attempting to align yourself with those gentlemen? I realize the free press is really in trouble, and not so much by what they publish, but from the fact that America would rather be told what to believe than to actually exercise any literary skill or logic. Will the internet or talk radio be the end of the Free Press? Who knows, but if America doesn't choose soon, to be informed, rather than simply programmed and mentally massaged, we will see the end of the free press? Now, on to the real statistics. As Kevin continued to drone on about the "Fair Tax" and I listened to the stats, I realized there was more to the statistics than he shared. I checked and sure enough, there was a study done from the other perspective, but I never found a source that combined the two sets of statistics, so here we go.
Kevin and Rush say that those that earn in the top 1% pay over 30% of the nation's taxes. I can't argue with that, so I checked into the national income percentage of the top 1%, and you know what I discovered? I found a reference, actually more than one that said the top 1% had more than 50% of the national income. The trick here, is that not all of it, is earned through wages. Some of the income of the top 1% is through investment and trade.
So, what would we all discover if we didn't have to listen and read according to red and blue, but simply could see what was black and white?
Our leaders want us divided. They don't want us to see the full picture, and unfortunately, many would choose to be programmed with a single, predetermined report of statistics, rather than the full reality of the correlation of statistics.
Where no counsel is, the people fall: a Proverb of Holy Scripture

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