Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Issue Behind all the Non-Issues

My husband and I are now becoming Radio News/Talk listeners. I can only compare News/Talk Radio to liquor or liver. It's an acquired taste, and frankly, there are some that just a few minutes is entirely more than enough and an hour makes you feel like you should have stopped about 50 minutes sooner. My limited time in listening to Rush has remained just that one afternoon. I haven't yet found Bill O'Reilly, so I'm reading his transcripts. I really thought I might enjoy the Alan Colmes show, and sometimes it's interesting and sometimes it's as extreme as the right wing, only to be really honest . . . isn't "extreme liberalism" an oxymoron of some kind? Extreme right is radical, but extreme left is just opposite extreme right and doesn't seem to actually make any point at all, except NOT RIGHT!!! I'd like to mention the War Prayer by Mark Twain has really reduced the forwards in my INBOX! I got a particualrly sad forward picturing an exhausted soldier holding a little wounded girl and they both appeared to be sleeping. And contained in that forward was the profound statement to the effect of the difference we are making over there. I saw the soldier, I saw the little girl, and I saw the exhaustion and I remember the term PRE-EMPTIVE. We have certainly made all the difference over there. Before we got there, there was no war.
I have also happened on to the catch phrase that reduced the forwards on the other hot button topic; illegal immigration. First, let me point out, that illegal immigration is obviously already defined by law, thus the term "illegal." If they are already breaking the law upon their entrance, how many more laws does it take to be really ILLEGAL? What I have noticed is, the KKK has increased in membership since all this anti-immigration propaganda has begun and we have a number of people from both parties just being absolutely indignant about their right to be enclosed! I get these e-mails from republicans and democrats alike. My thought on the matter is this. With this guest worker program that President Bush wants, we will have those that get into the system with social security, etc. and realize what many Americans have discovered . . . forty quarters, just ten short years and then cry injury and disability. Well, no wonder the democrats are up in arms, they'll never get enough tax increases to cover that. Then there is the added bonus for the right wing to enable so many to have dual citizenship because that helps the republican vote. Most immigrants from Mexico are conservative when it comes to certain issues. Which brings me to the next time honored issue. Can abortion be discussed any more rigorously by either side?
Let me offer this. All of these issues are really not the issue. The real issue is always what isn't said as the defense of the Constitution and Freedom are presented to be the central issue. You know, there are precious young men and women serving in Iraq that really believe they are defending freedom in America, reality not withstanding. I have already determined as I am beginning to listen to the candidates of '08. I will not vote for any Senator or member of Congress that voted YEA to go to War in Iraq. I don't care how many times they tell me, if they knew then, what they know now, they would have voted NO. I have yet, to hear one of them tell us or show us any evidence linking Iraq to 9/11 or even al Quaida before we started the war. So, just like President Bush needed proof of no weapons, I will be needing proof that there was a link between Iraq and 9/11 and if there was then the recanting and the regretting of their YEA vote only means they can be talked into a bad idea or will say anything to get what they want! But they will not get my vote. And now, let's discuss abortion. First, I will tell you that Scripture does refer to the fruit of the womb differently than it addresses murder, for those that are interested, so the religious right are missing the actual passage of Scripture that does address the loss of life in the womb. G~d's Word says choose life that you and your children may live. He doesn't separate choice and life, but He is clear regarding the choice He'd like us to make. Unfortunately I think many women when faced with this dilemma don't feel they would be giving the gift of life, but rather a dismal existence. But still, that isn't the point. The point in all these situations is America has gone beyond them and us, red and blue, dems and reps, we are now looking at
the Constitution vs. the Bill of Rights.
Notice the reference to the Constitution in all the e-mail forwards about these topics. Remember, the Constitution is the sovereignty of the government, the Bill of Rights is 10 Constitutional amendments added for the protection of the citizens.
The real issue in abortion is to define the 14th amendment and since the people are willing to get terribly ugly over it and remain undecided for over 30 years, the erosion of the first 10 have become much less noticeable.
We already knew that the interpretation of the 9th and 10th amendments were somewhat open to cultural concerns of the times, so we accepted that, and really never questioned the validity of amendments until lately. Now, it seems every time there is an election there is some amendment to undo an amendment. Our war on terror has already diminished the power of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th amendment, and those have been by the will of the people, at least the ruling majority. So, when it all comes down to it, we have chosen to reliquish our freedoms in the name of defending liberty???
And to address the illegal immigrant situation for what it truly is besides a membership drive for the KKK, all this immigrant debate is to get the American public to ask for captivity. This is really only about giving up our 2nd amendment right. Remember the Minute Man Project? Well they had to agree to not be armed and not have any actual contact with those crossing the border, but just to be able to report to the border patrol of any activity they saw. In order to protect our borders, the Minute Men agreed to no guns. Our 3rd amendment is not likely to come under scrutiny as it pertains to time of peace.
As the propaganda intensifies to defend
an unthreatened Constitution, the Bill of Rights continues to pale.
Strive not with a man without cause, if he have done thee no harm.

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