Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Being Thankful

I really have been trying to have an uplifting blog post at least once a week, or find the lighter side, but reality from Washington just keeps dragging on. I realize the conservatives are "stirring the patriotism" again and we all know what that means. If we don't start something that holds somebody else accountable the "bad guys" are going to get us. I found it interesting that Laura Bush thinks we don't need to see the scenes of war, and she seems to think they are presented in a biased manner, according to her interview with Larry King. That's another thing. I remember the Kennedy / Nixon debate that was televised in 1960 and that was a big deal to see politicians in that setting, so to speak. I really think all this interview business and Sunday morning politics is only to give the elusion that we are being kept informed, especially when it is revealed in an interview that TV is causing all this polarization and dissatisfaction by reporting. I say, stop the interviews and show us the evidence and effect of the decisions that are being made out of our control and in our "best interest." How many times did we see and hear about Cheney's problem in Afghanistan? Should the American people really have been subjected to that information, Laura? But, back to my thankfulness and actually I do owe this to the grace of G~d and the 80th Congress. This Session of Congress, which President Truman nicknamed "Do Nothing Congress" was republican. This was the Congress that gave us the 22 Amendment to the Constitution, limiting presidental terms. It was very interesting reading about how the continued re-elections of FDR seemed to center on maintaining a stable foreign policy with regard to WWII. I can't imagine that they had the insight to know that nearly 60 years later, America would actually be led into initiating WWIII, but according to Bill Bennett, that's what we have in the Middle East, so . . . I find myself very thankful, in light of what is happening and what is being orchestrated, that we do in fact have term limits, given to us by the very party that seems to know no limit.
no longer will the nations be turning their swords against one another, and the knowledge of war will be gone for ever.

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