Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Do We Americans Really Know What We Are Doing?

As I read the news and listen to the talk, I'm wondering if we, Americans, really know what we are doing, as a "world power." I have listened to Dr. Bill discuss Iran, yes Iran, and the pro-war agenda that is set forth in his program, so I Google searched the history of his show. "It's Morning in America" debuted in April of 2004, just in time to encourage the course of the Presidential campaign. And now, as I hear about Iran and Syria; and what's the deal about our ignoring Lebanon, this time and not helping Israel? That was a hot spot for us before, just like Iraq. And I realize we have been told repeatedly that since our war on terror, there has not been another attack since 9/11. As I remember history, it seems there was not an attack between 9/11/01 and 3/19/03, either. So, technically, there is still no sound reason to be in Iraq, which appears to be the concensus in Britain, according to the announcement made by PM Blair. But, on to the entire Middle East, which is where we were heading all along. I, personally, have a letter on White House Stationery that "explains" the plan for peace in the Middle East, primarily between Israel and Palestine. I checked to make sure I had the members accounted for. Although our President claims authorship of this plan, he is "sharing" the glory with Russia, the European Union, and the UN, thus "the Quartet." Now, today I read about Dr. Rice in the Middle East and she's making reference to an "Arab Quartet," which includes Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Jordan. I can't say that I understand how this alliance came about after 9/11, considering the fact that some of the terrorists had passports from some of these nations, but I am interested to see how the reference "Quartet" evolves in the next few months. I guess, I am really wondering just who we Americans think we are in the big picture in the Middle East. Many countries in the Middle East date back to Bible times and we have such a relatively recent history by comparison. I will be honest here, I am pro-Israel and I do not support any country that does not want to acknowledge the existence of Israel, but America doesn't have the power in this matter. There are some details we seem to be overlooking. I hear many people quoting Genesis 12:3 where G~d told Abraham, "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." This was before he had any children. America just really isn't in a position to be calling the shots in this family feud, as both the Arab nations and Israel are descendants of Abraham. G~d has already spoken the results. America may well be a major player in the precursor to Armegeddon, but is completely out of line to claim the authority or the power to broker peace in the Middle East.
for in Isaac shall thy seed be called. And also of the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, because he is thy seed.

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