Friday, January 12, 2007

Time to Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

It's interesting to observe our civilized civil war here in America as we discuss how to resolve the one we started in Iraq. First, I find it curious that we, a fairly young nation, have chosen to involve ourselves in civil wars in so many countries whose history far predates our own. Iraq has been around since Bible times, but they didn't show up and tell us to listen to Lee or Lincoln and they certainly never lynched either one. I don't understand why President Bush isn't willing to follow the examples set by his predecessors. President Eisenhower left a North and South Korea, which we still have today. President Nixon and Ford left a North and South Viet Nam, after years of US involvement, so why can't we simply have a North and South Iraq or even three, add Kurdistan. After listening to President Bush the other evening, it's clear, now that he can admit it seems to take an iron fist to keep Iraq, stable. Hmmm? This increase of troops is going to be pretty tricky. If he asks for the money before he sends them, Congress can have some input with controlling the purse strings, but if he sends them now, and asks for extra funding next month . . . how can Congress refuse? It would be like refusing those soldiers rifles after they get there, and our President has already promised to be tough on everyone . . .
So, here's the plan. We now know how unhappy the Bush camp is with the dems in Congress, and we have democrats heading to Iraq to look things over. All of the Bush camp that thinks democrats are socialists and heading for communism, needs to refuse every "social" entitlement that is just pushing our nation toward "socialized everything." Let's have the Bush camp refuse their social security checks, implemented by a democrat president, and let's have all the republicans refuse their medicare, also implemented by a democrat president, and then let's take that money and finish up this war that these same people so strongly believe in. And for those that do believe in all the government handouts and have strongly supported the social advancement the democrats propose, then I propose they live off of that and do not maintain their personal ownership of property. After all, if a person is no longer able to work, why should they have property to maintain and be taxed, and being unable to maintain or use it, why do they need to own it? These two ideas alone would change the economy of America. According to a statement in Congress today, there are 43 million Americans on Medicare, now add the cash from Social Security checks and the extras that go along with disability and we've got a substantial fund to work with. Frankly, everyone in America has proven Senator Kennedy's statement, and that should make all of America feel proud! He said the civil war in Iraq was not military, but political, and the proof lies here in America. Everything that our nation makes a partisan issue tells the world that it's "just politics." So, do we as individuals start actually standing and living by what we are saying or do we just keep talking? Maybe it's time to make our wallets and purse strings as partisan as our opinions.
For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers . . .

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