Friday, January 26, 2007

The Point of the War in Iraq

I would like to begin this blog with kudos to Peggy Noonan and Chuck Hagel. Here is the link if you'd like to read her article.
I am so ashamed that it has taken me this long to actually see the point to the War in Iraq, and I say that personally, because I have had a small illustration right before my very eyes for nearly the past 4 years and it just now dawned upon me.
Remember the unity right after 9/11? I was all for going to Afghanistan and finding the guy that was responsible, but we didn't . . . and we still haven't. We were drawn together through a tragedy, but in reality, we are Americans, we were drawn together with a vengeance. And, just as I have witnessed personally in the past few years, when heat gets poured on in another situation, the best recourse for an American is to "puke up" a past offense or even inuendo and just watch the fur fly. Although, it has nothing to do with the issue at hand, except amazingly, it becomes the issue at hand. And that is exactly what happened to Saddam Hussein and why there is no strategy for the War in Iraq. The War in Iraq is simply the point that keeps America debating and divided, to enable new legislation and distract from the facts. It's also a safety net to have a pointless war that is scheduled to last into the next decade to allay any pesky accountability for those that have commandeered it. I'm sure it's a tricky walk between the accusations of combatant and treason, that are all punishable by death, so we don't ask and we don't tell, because we've now been told, nobody is listening.
As I look back on the beginnings of the War in Iraq, I am reminded of my personal illustration. Of ridiculous phone calls and shameful e-mails that were nothing more than a feeble attempt to change the subject and avoid accountability. So, like Hussein, I developed the same respect for the yammering demands. Unlike Hussein, I do live in America, and I could simply wait for the silent treatment, rather than occupation. But, to continue my illustration. This Iraqi war and occupation and lynching of Hussein, hasn't changed the facts of 9/11, with one exception. The President's approval rating has plummeted and Iraq calls their "freedom" occupation, right along with most of the rest of the world. And the American people are divided and really don't want reconciliation. I have discovered that I have that same opinion of people that change the point to cover their true agenda or to confuse the issues. Unreconciled is a good place to just leave it. That works on a small personal scale, but that won't work in Iraq. We know, we can't leave defeated. Even those of us who were against it from the beginning, know, we can't leave defeated, yet Iraq knows that too and until now, seems obliviously disregarding of all of our effort. Will that change soon? I'm guessing they have figured out that their freedom really wasn't the point either. People that want freedom are willing to die for it themselves, rather than have it thrust upon them and enforced for them. There are numerous decisions getting made here in America about other matters, and the big debate about democracy and republic are beginning to get introduced on "News" Talk radio again, so we can come to the "enlightened understanding" that Americans elect people to make decisions for us, rather than hanging on to this crazy notion that the elected officials are listening to their constituents. Just how much freedom have Americans given up to bring freedom to people that aren't willing to fight for it? I can verify that freedom bought by another is never embraced, and independence determined by another is never truly defined. The point of the War in Iraq is to keep everyone's focus on the War in Iraq.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.

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