Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just What is Treasonous?

I was listening to some retired general, being interviewed by the guest host that has been filling in for Bill Bennett in his morning radio show. I miss Dr. Bill. Anyway, as I listened to this general and guest host banter about John Kerry and use the term treasonous, I questioned that intense accusation. I don't agree with John Kerry on several issues, but then, as it turns out, John Kerry doesn't usually agree with John Kerry from day to day on several issues, so . . .
I looked up the word, treasonous: Having the character of, or characteristic of, a traitor. Which of course led me to look up the word, traitor: Someone who betrays his country by committing treason. And now the word, treason: A crime that undermines the offender's government. And now, I'm thinking, all of the politicians are fitting that definition. Our entire government has been undermined for years, by many of our elected officials. Now, I don't think John Kerry needs to go air dirty American laundry in Syria or Iran, but then, Iran wasn't killing Americans in Iraq until President Bush started a war there. And the majority of our country didn't despise democrats until Bill Clinton changed his address to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And technically, it was George the First that proclaimed the New World Order, which according to Scripture is a definite deterrent to the life and government that we have known. So, is the definition for treason going to become a partisan issue, as well? Why not, it's America, everything is partisan. And oh, that reminds me. My mom asked me last year, if I would blog our family dirty laundry, so she could read it and I declined, but I will blog something that she and I once discussed. She is a staunch republican and very supportive, I mean very supportive. She's been looking forward to Senator Brownback running for president since George W. got elected for the last time in '04. Anyway, she once told me she would never vote for a "moderate republican." I swiftly chided, that we finally had a political view in common, as I would never vote for even a moderate republican, either. We both chuckled at our bipartisan moment . . .
Well, Mom, I heard Chuck Hagel the other day, and I don't know if he's a moderate, but I was truly impressed with his boldness and his candor. I just may be leaning toward a republican vote for a man that could cause Cheney to break "Reagan's 11th Commandment."
Back to treasonous. Has the War in Iraq made us vulnerably accessible to Iran? If so wouldn't that be undermining our national interest and government? Has the debt for War in Iraq stolen the security from future generations of this nation and government? Did deposing Saddam Hussein remove the buffer between Iran and American and the rest of the world? I checked, it isn't treason to not hate the deceased, even if they were supposed to be an enemy. And it technically isn't treason to bad mouth our country, while we still have free speech, although it can be tacky. I have heard treason defined as giving aid and comfort to the enemy and I really have to ask this. If our President has named Hezbollah a terrorist organization and a threat to our safety and freedom and if Hezbollah occupies 14 seats in the Lebanese parliament, then wouldn't allocating several hundred million dollars to the Lebanese government, technically be giving some aid to a known enemy? Mathematically, if there are 128 seats on the parilament and Hezbollah occupies 14, then 9 - 10% of all monies allocated to the Lebanese government is in the hands of Hezbollah.
The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: from the 55th Psalm

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