Friday, January 19, 2007

Coming to Terms

It's been a very interesting week, here in the southern plains and through the Ohio valley. We personally, have been among the fortunate, as far as our health and safety have been concerned. We already live a fairly simplistic existence "off the land," but I have missed electricity. It's odd to realize, as we hear about how "they did it" a hundred years ago, the very things we have had to concern ourselves with are the conveniences of the last hundred years. A hundred years ago, they didn't have to worry about the plumbing freezing, as there was none. A hundred years ago, they didn't have to worry about the refrigerators and freezers, defrosting, as there were none. So, we have learned the inconvenience of our conveniences. We've been without electricity for a week now, and our survival skills have been an interesting balance between wit, creativity, and a bit of preparedness, but we've had plenty of time to contemplate. And I've said all of that to lead into the new experience I have had since the lights went out. Even our local radio station has not been able to transmit, so our little battery powered radio had been tuned to a different station. And I did something on day five without electricity that I never thought I would do. I listened to an hour of Rush Limbaugh, which is why I am using the generator power to blog. This guy gave me so much material, I just had to share. He, of course, is rallying the warmongers to disregard, disrespect and defy the democrats regarding Iraq. There have been over 3,000 US military deaths and the democrats and many republicans are attempting to resolve this mess. Mr. Limbaugh's commentary was priceless. He informed his listeners that more than twice that number of people, 7000 died last year in the US by pharmaceutical errors due to misreading the doctor's handwriting. And he also said that over a half a million are injured every year from this same problem. He concluded this portion of his speel by stating that the democrats had no answers for Iraq, just criticism regarding the republican administration. But he failed to remind his listeners that it was the republicans that resolved the 7000 pharmaceutical deaths and 1/2 million medication injuries by tort reform and limiting mal practice law suits, I believe they used the term "frivolous." I am amazed at the lack of information that might truly resolve the issues and he merely did exactly what he accused the "others" of doing - criticizing without a solution. I was particularly entertained as he explained how these liberal democrats just harp and harp and witch hunt when it comes to giving the republicans problems, and I of course, thought of Kenneth Starr and Newt Gingrich with President Clinton, and the other talk radio that is still harping about Sandy Berger. The final comment that I heard, as I didn't want to overdo on my introduction to the world of Rush, was regarding Al Gore and global warming. Now, this is just stupid to make a polarized issue out of weather, and it's stupid on both parts. Obviously the weather patterns are changing and I'm guessing not just one direction, and none of it seems to be for the better, so why aim at each other? Perhaps everyone should realize it isn't mother nature that is in control of the weather and rather than cast blame for the differing comments, it's time to all stop taking advantage and misusing the earth, that in fact, doesn't belong to us! I'm going to say, here, that G~d just isn't happy with the way people are taking care of things. Now, back to his comment about propaganda. Rush said he never watches or listens to propaganda. Can his listeners say the same thing?
I did need to comment about the war. We need to realize buying magnets to stick on our cars that say "support the troops" isn't really supporting the troops and I don't think the average American is even aware of that. And I am sick of the e-mail forwards hailing this war. Retired generals are now saying, it has been a civil war since shortly after we arrived and it got me thinking. Back in 1861, what would have happened if another country, came over and removed our leader, for our own good? You see, in America, without another country causing it, our civil war was over in about 4 years and our President wasn't lynched, as a matter of a fact, several that were accused of conspiring in his death were lynched. According to history, the woman that owned the establishment where the men planned the assination of Lincoln was lynched with them. I can't imagine how America would have struggled through some other nation telling us what freedom was and demanding that we become independent, their way!
Haven't we proven that keeping everything in turmoil and everyone at odds, doesn't really solve anything?
What I have come to understand when it comes to "good old American politics" is; the other side’s solution is always wrong!
There will always be some sort of red or blue herring introduced to divert the attention of the masses from the true point.
Each side has it’s spin, but if it’s the other side, it’s called propaganda.
I feel like a week without lights has been very illuminating . . .
Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

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