Monday, December 08, 2008

Performance Evaluation

I find it interesting that Chris Dodd has called for the resignation or termination of the CEO of GM and designated him to be ineligible to continue leading the company, if any sort of bail out is to be received. And don't you just love it, Congress will impose a "CAR CZAR." I guess the media representing the powers that be think these catchy little phrases will divert the attention of the general population. America is steadily and swiftly moving toward fascism and socialism. While the Republicans holler and sputter about the alleged incoming "socialist," let me share the WordWeb definition of Socialism, even before Pres-elect is inaugurated. Socialism: 1. A political theory advocating state ownership of industry. 2. An economic system based on state ownership of capital. I believe that pretty much covers government run banks and manufacturing, which has been brought to us by the current administration. Let me also share the definition of fascism. Fascism: A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government. Which would describe all the new uses of the word "czar" and assistance to various posts and bureaucratic departments. I hadn't really realized that our government has managed to become the worst of both, practically overnight. Oh, I know, if you're a republican, it's been brewing since the Carter days and if you're a democrat, Nixon started this mess. What I'm thinking is, we are simply getting the result of our own greed. Both parties represent a certain percentage of the population, or they are simply puppets for a bigger power, then we the people have either voted for it or gone along with it for nearly 40 years, and actually historically, much longer than that.
Back to Chris Dodd. I think he's quite a deal. He's been on Capitol Hill since the mid 70's, about the same period of time Rick Wagoner has been with GM, and worked his way up to CEO. General Motors has not had all bad years since the 70's, although the Reagan years did hinder every union job, they hung on and produced a few motor-trend cars of the year. What has Congress done, either the House or the Senate in Senator Dodd's long standing political career? He is Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, and look what all has happened on his watch. I haven't heard him require the same of any Banking CEOs that he's spelled out for GM, but then I'm sure he has folks in banking and insurance "counting on him." In the grand scheme of this, and I do mean scheme, has Rick Wagoner really done a worse job than Chris Dodd?
But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare . . . New Testament

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