Monday, October 06, 2008

What Sarah Said Was Just, Well, "Darn" Stupid

I didn't blog on the VP debate last week, because the financial fiasco was so reprehensible Friday. Not the meltdown, the bailout, but I won't go there today. I'm going to discuss the debate. First, let me say, I don't agree with all of Joe Biden's politics, but I sure like the guy. For a career politician, he seems pretty real. She walked out, extended her hand to shake his, and asked if he minded if she called him Joe. He referred to her as Gov. Palin, what a gent! Now, on to the "maverick," Sarah. Who by the way bills herself as a Washington outsider, but has held some political office since 1992. Granted, her political career has not been in Washington, but she's been successfully politicking since before she was 30. I was simply flabbergasted by her comment regarding being in touch with the average American, and making reference to "Joe Sixpack." To quote her well worn use of "darn" and "you betcha." "I found that darn offensive, you betcha!" I am not married to a Joe Sixpack, my father is not a Joe Sixpack, and I hope my sons-in-law are not Joe Sixpacks. I know a number of men that are concerned about the state of our nation and whether or not they'll have a job and be providers, that are not Joe Sixpacks, either. And what does that make all of us women that aren't pitbulls in lipstick or hockey moms or whatever? Wanda Winecooler or Myrna Minivan. I don't like the idea that someone making such a condescending caste statement would presume to identify with us and consider herself qualified to make decisions for us. She can't relate to what we are concerned about and neither can her husband. He doesn't have a worry in the world as long as she keeps running her mouth and running for some office. I first heard he was on an extended leave of absence, then I read he was a former oilfield worker. Either way, he doesn't have to worry about that Joe Sixpack label, but a few other labels do come to mind, as he does the bidding of his feminist wife. Next, she wants to argue with McCain about Michigan. She said she and Todd would go there. This brings me to two points. One, McCain is the candidate for president, not Palin, so who does she think she is. If McCain thinks she's going to quietly be the VP, he truly is out of touch with reality. My next point is regarding the fact she included Todd in the campaigning. So, who is raising all these babies she's so proud to bring into the world? Maybe more women would get into motherhood, if they had the best government nannies, money can buy. I read the Obama girls are spending a lot of time at their Grandma's. Just who is supervising the Palin children while mom is busy politicking and volunteering Todd? It's fine to be pro-life, how about outside of the womb, Sarah? Do the kids ever get as much attention as mom?
I'm not thrilled with the choice America is facing in November, but I know I don't want anyone making decisions for me that would have such disrespect for men.
I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. New Testament

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