Friday, October 03, 2008

Well they Did It

This is going to be fairly short today. There is no reason to beat this dead horse in the middle of the stream, anymore. With several "earmarks" or pork barrel projects or whatever one side of the aisle calls it when the other side attaches more expenses to get something passed, the Big BailOut is already signed! I did notice there were several interesting additions amounting to billions of dollars, with one being more mental health coverage for insured employees. Pardon my paranoia, but will this just be one more way to get what few people that are still employed, into the system or reprogrammed? I've ranted, I've raved, and now I'm just sorry that our entire government doesn't mind using my grandchildren to pay for poor decisions made by people that will never have one moment of wondering whether they can afford gasoline or milk. I have learned something that I just didn't want to see. When both parties quit bickering and finally agree on some bipartisan legislation, it's merely the power of the politicians against and over the will of the people, for the sake of the plutocrats.
But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you . . . New Testament

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