Wednesday, May 07, 2008

One Step Closer . . .

Two more primaries behind us now and I'm feeling badly for Hillary. I wasn't going to vote for her and I really don't share many of the same views, but she's worked hard and every step she's taken, she's fallen back and she just doesn't seem to be able to grasp that fact. Now, Barrack Obama, on the other hand is just getting "all talked up" by the media and it is clear that the media has a great influence on America. I would have thought there were a few more independent thinkers in America than there are. First and foremost, politicians are out for themselves. They want the office, they want the power, and they want the prestige, or should I rather say, they believe they deserve it. So, when I think about it from that perspective, all politicians are pretty frightening individuals. Although I don't trust politicians, I'm more comfortable with McCain and Hillary, because I think I'm savvy to their methods, so I know how I don't trust them, therefore . . . in a convoluted sort of way I'm more secure with them in power. I don't trust Obama, but I don't know what to expect out of him, so I'm really leery. I am not impressed with the liberal perspective in the media over his drug use and his religious affiliation. I know for a fact, the liberal spokespersons have certainly been quite vocal regarding the religious company kept by the neocons, and how many months did somebody try to prove that George W. had tried cocaine? Obama put his drug use in print and we have all gotten to hear snippets of his religious affiliation. I just don't know what to expect from him, but I do think it's time Hillary called it a day. I am not happy that I have no idea what the presumptive Democratic nominee stands for or has promised besides "hope and change," this race has become mathematically impossible to win. If by chance she persuaded enough super delegates to nominate her, that would only prove, the people's choice made no difference. If the super delegates decide this race, then it's clearly the choice of a group of politicians. There was no need to even bother to vote. The one thing that continues to be constant in Hillary's campaign is the fact that for the last year, she's done nothing, but decline in numbers. It's time to do the math and realize the people have spoken, regardless of who has done the thinking. We have survived seven years of this political fiasco, hopefully the unknown agenda of Barrack Obama won't be worse.
Why dost thou strive against him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters. Holy Scripture

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