Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hillary, We Gotta Talk

I'm watching you just keep on swinging, but you seem to be oblivious to a couple of facts, I feel compelled to share. You cannot win, because it's already been decided you cannot win. I know you think you and Bill are well connected, but there's more to this agenda; and you, unfortunately have been left out of the loop. Obama has been running this campaign and the rules in it for some time, or his puppet masters have been. He decides what needs to be hammered about what you say and he can condescendingly refuse to deal with you or McCain on issues he's shaky about and for whatever reason, his followers take that as "being above the fray." Frankly, considering all the young people that follow him around like the old republicans follow Bush, I think it's some sort of weird charismatic spirit that draws those that cannot logic. I think your sniper fire comment was a dumb exaggeration. I think your Bobby Kennedy remark about June was simply a point being made, and taken out of context, but you forget . . . You are not the media's fair haired boy! I can say that, because I'm not running for anything, but you can plainly see how that little innocent comment could be turned into yet another racial victimization on his part. It was over for you when the black community turned it's back on all your husband did for blacks while he was in office. He made one comment and that's all it took for Obama to play the racial victimization card. And he's done it ever since. When the truth came out about Jeremiah Wright, nobody cared. The excuses were already spinning. Unfortunately, it wreaked havoc in everyone else's campaign. Even McCain felt obligated to refuse an endorsement, whereas Obama only had to say he didn't know about everything Wright said or ask for Farakhan's endorsement. I shudder to think what his plans for this country are, or rather what plans his backers have for this nation. If Obama is elected, the majority of this country will have chosen to be deceived. That won't be easily remedied. Look at how long it will take to sort out the last 7 years, and with Florida's voting problems in 2000 and Ohio's difficulties in 2004, there is certainly reason to doubt this present administration was ever the will of the majority. It was obvious in the 2004 DNC, Obama was the chosen one. John Kerry was a sacrificial candidate. Now that President Bush has a less than 30% approval rating, the powers that be, behind the throne, know it's time to make the move. You won't kowtow the way Obama will. He says all kinds of goofy things and then explains them away. That's what his puppet masters are counting on. I may not agree with all your politics, but except for that Bosnia comment, win or lose, I can usually tell where you stand. Obama, on the other hand, seems to offer his followers the stability of quicksand, which is just what the puppet masters have ordered. We've heard about his Grandma's bigotry as she raised him. We've heard that his uncle was the hero at Auschwitz, and let's not forget Selma, Alabama that made his birth possible, three years earlier??? The guy is a charismatic puppet. His followers think he's a messiah, and the republicans want a one termer that can be easily controlled. You're just not the girl to meet that criteria, but he's the man of the hour. I personally think that reflects better on your character than if you were winning. Feel good about this Hillary, when it came down to it, you chose to not be owned! And oh, when you and Bill are rehashing what could have and should have been, cut him some slack. It wasn't Bill in SC that made it racial, it was Oprah in Iowa. One good thing about all this . . . Michelle Obama makes you look attractively passive and femininely, demure.
For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive, silly women . . . New Testament

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