Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Vetos and Other Political Games

We've all now read, that President Bush has vetoed the bill that Congress sent regarding War Funding, because it has a timetable regarding the redeployment of troops, a.k.a. bringing them home. Bringing them home, just happens to be what I, and at least 50% of Americans call; supporting our troops. Our leader sees it differently, and on this anniversary day of his now famous photo-op on the USS Abraham Lincoln, he thinks it should spin back to reflect badly on Congress. Well, it doesn't, unless they fold! I think it's ridiculous that the Bush administration is now saying that politicians should not be making war decisions. Well where was all that wisdom in March of 2003, when war-mongering politicians led us into a war with no exit strategy? I don't know how many of Americans realize that a war with no exit strategy has no end planned. So that means, Mission Accomplished turns out to be mere rhetoric and the dust of this unfounded war that America has started will settle when Armegeddon is over. In this debate, let's not leave Hillary Clinton out of this. I have noticed for sometime, just how much her husband did for the republicans through his Presidency and we of course see him with George 41 much more often than we see him with Carter, but back to Hillary. She voted for this war that she is now attempting to use as a campaign prop, but she's doing the exact same thing George 43 has done. She voted for it, she regrets the turn out of events, but she's not said her vote was a mistake . . . well that's what our current President continues to say. He says we've made some errors and acted on faulty intelligence, but he never says it was a mistake, and you know, I just don't want four more years of that mentality from either party! So Hillary, was voting for this war right or not?
And Democrats in Congress, if you back down, then you are not representing the people that elected you and Republicans in Congress and Senate, the President can't be re-elected. You, however; can be, but will you? I think I'm just exhausted with the political games and I don't know how we, the American public, decided that politicians should be making all of our decisions. I mean they determine our future, our children's education, our economy, the civility of our global standing, and pass laws controlling our communication, travel, and even time. And let's review just how well they manage this in their own lives, much less for thousands or millions of the rest of us, at the mercy of their discretion or indescretion, as the case may be. Politicians have their own separate provisions for old age income and health care, they don't have to live with the Social Security and Medicare, they've given us. Many children of politicians attend private schools and invitations to ivy league schools, and of course get privileged treatment for their "indescretions" such as underaged drinking, etc. Politicians live on tax dollars and campaign funds, and if elected, only work less than 200 days a year, so they know nothing about earning a living, much less managing and budgeting. I don't know why we use politicians for diplomats, listen to the way the talk through campaigns. And I'm wondering if Condoleezza Rice ever smiles. And last, but certainly not least, these people start wars, they don't have to fight in; and they make and enforce laws, they don't have to keep.
And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it . . .

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