Friday, May 11, 2007

Politics, Schmolitics . . . Let's Talk Politicians

With the price of gas going up every time we turn around, some candidate is going to have to come up with something to make it worth the gasoline to drive to vote. I'm serious, it's about a year early, and what do we have to choose from? Oh, sorry, this isn't to discuss politics, this is politicians. So who is best suited for the address of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? Since I am an independent, I am hoping someone will come forward next year at the appropriate time, and after all the mud is slung, will offer the leadership this country so desperately needs. I'm going to address, just the forerunning candidates, because those are the ones I keep hearing about. At this point, none of my opinions are all that good about the forerunners and maybe one of the lesser known candidates can hang in there and succeed. I'm going to discuss the republicans first. I read two things about Mitt Romney that I just don't know what to do with. The first thing was his big conversion to pro-life over stem cell research. So, when it was about ending an established pregnancy, he was for a woman's choice, but when it came to using "extras" in the petri dish at the fertility clinic, he became pro-life. Whatever? And when his religion has been attacked, I find it discomforting that he claims to conduct his public life separately from his beliefs. G~d knows, if there is any time in American history to cease the separation of conscience and power, it's now! Now on to Sam Brownback. I think he is only electable in Kansas, and I have many of my own personal reasons to believe that. I will say this in regard to Mr. Brownback on his very staunch pro-life stand. I believe life should be valued outside of the womb, as well. Now, wouldn't it just be a hoot for John McCain to get the nomination? He's a moderate and many republicans think moderate is too easy to get along with, and besides I remember all the negative things his own party said in 2000, and I will remind them. And Mayor Giuliani . . . except for his war plans, I keep wondering if he's in the wrong party. He's too strong on gun control for the NRA, he's had more than one d-i-v-o-r-c-e, he's pro-choice. Actually if it wasn't for his war mantra, I'd be leaning republican for the first time in my life, but I don't agree with him about Iraq or perpetual war. Now, let's get to the other side of the aisle. I would say clearly, the three forerunners got started way too early. None of these people can withstand an extra year of scrutiny. So, Mr. Edwards, are you really young and handsome or does only your $400.00 hair dresser know for sure? I firmly do not want this man making millions and billions and trillions of dollar decisions with other people's money. And John, I know you made good on it, but it was campaign funds and you're still in the hole from '04, and this last administration is leaving a balanced bookkeeping nightmare. Now, Barack is getting quite a style going. He rolls into town and comes across somewhere between a traveling preacher and an elixir salesman, with a cure-all right before our very eyes. But the other day, he was trying to grand stand, and he got confused in his grandness between 12 deaths and 10,000. His response was priceless, 'he's going to get tired. he's going to get weary, and mistakes will be made.' Well, if campaigning is causing this much exhaustion, I can't imagine the stress at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. when solutions must replace promises. And last but certainly not least, let's talk Hillary. She is an enigma of tranparent political plans. She wasn't a stand by your man, woman when it came to baking cookies and waving on the campaign trail, but she realized the value of standing by her man, once he got that special address and Ken Starr followed her like bloodhound. And I know everyone hopes, but does anyone really think Bill will have as much power in her presidency as she had in his? Come on now! My main concern with Hillary, though is this "all things to all people." Every time I hear her speaking, she has a different tone, a different accent, a different way of relating . . . So, is she reinventing herself in every new setting or does she have some sort of dissociative problem going on? So far, nobody's got my vote and I'm afraid they have too much time to change my mind.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

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