Tuesday, March 13, 2007

We Need to Speak the Same Language

Vice President Cheney has been pretty vocal about those of us that disagree with this war-mongering administration. As a matter of fact the comparisons got pretty severe yesterday, and as a citizen that does support our troops but disagrees with the Iraq War and this aggressive agenda, I was offended. Using the words alQaida to compare with those that disagree with the current "direction" [or lack thereof] just demonstrates, once again, the pugnacity the rest of the world is tiring of, and the new Congress needs to stand up to. Congress is making many more cowaring concessions that were promised just four short months ago. Maybe there is a communication problem between the two parties and the citizens. Let's start simply. We, the people are not in favor of the Iraq War, that's why the election went the way it did, in November. Now, we expect the new Congress to remember that and the established administration to recognize and realize that. Second, the established administration has already declared victory in Iraq with the famous MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner and also claimed victory in Afghanistan by stating the Taliban had been eradicated. Both of these countries have had "free elections," new leaders, and the three 9/11 detainees at Gitmo with hearings this week, are not from either of these countries, so, it's well past time to wind up both these wars. Mr. Cheney is concerned that those of us that are against the war are hard on the morale of the military. I have an idea for a real morale booster for the troops. Let's have our brave service men and women come home, in the same victory that was claimed by their Commander in Chief! - MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
Now, lets' talk money for a minute. Mr. Cheney is making it sound like this new Congress is going to leave our military in the harm's way that this administration placed them, without ammunition and supplies. That isn't what I understand Congress to be saying, but we do have many domestic issues that are going very much unchecked and underfunded so our President can leave his legacy. And this underfunding doesn't begin to describe the debt that is mounting and will continue to mount. Mr. Cheney said of our enemies "They dwell in the shadows, wear no uniform, have no regard for the laws of warfare, and feel unconstrained by any standard of morality. We've never had a fight like this . . ." And to that I would ask, then why we have continued to engage in traditional warfare and how we will ever know that there is not one more dwelling the shadows, not wearing a uniform? His own speech tells me there is no end to this mess. I think I'm understanding his language. Mr. Cheney is exceptional in his style. He is blunt about his agenda for the rest of us, but he draws many interesting arbitrary lines around himself and his family. He doesn't want his daughter's "lifestyle discussed" calling that offlimits, yet he cleared up a headline with this statement - "What is not legitimate -- and what I will again say is dishonest and reprehensible -- is the suggestion by some U. S. senators that the President of the United States or any member of his administration purposely misled the American people on pre-war intelligence." I happen to be one of those people that believe we were mislead intentionally and I do not appreciate being called dishonest and reprehensible, anymore than he wants anyone discussing his openly gay daughter. I think I can actually sum up the feelings of the majority of America, as well as the intentions of Congress by sharing another quote from Mr. Cheney. I believe our Congress could best express their stand and that of their constituents with the same answer he gave a reporter who asked why he had not served in Viet Nam. His response was . . . "other priorities."
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

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