Thursday, March 08, 2007

Advice for Mr. Libby

I've been following this situation as best I can, but frankly, it bears a striking resemblance to a maze made of rabbit trails. Now, Mr. Libby, I'm not going to call you Scooter, because I just think I'd rather not. I personally think they owe you a pardon. I think you did it, but I think you were doing it for "the greater cause." Say, where are all these guys that used to pat you on the back and call you Scooter? You obviously have the dubious honor of "fall guy" and I want you to know, most of the country does recognize this. I wasn't sure if the conservatives would admit it or not, but I've noticed even on 'Morning in America with Bill Bennett,' they know you're the patsy. Dr. Bill wouldn't keep bringing up Clinton, if they didn't know the rest of the country was wise to this mess. I really can't figure out why the grand jury decided the original inquest they were supposedly investigating was not a crime, when they determined you had allegedly obstructed justice and lied. Now if you had lied and obstructed the justice they claim, how do they know the original inquest and investigation that led to their conclusion of no crime was concluded properly? How can they be certain they arrived at the truth, since you supposedly clouded the issues? I do think you messed up here and I do think you did your best to lead the grand jury on some pretty wild tangents, but I do believe you were following orders. Just for future reference, when warmongers start using the word "covert," a general rule of thumb is: somebody is going to fall, and the fact that the term is covert, means it's not going to happen where everyone is looking! Of course, I realize you also know this, now. I happen to believe you were doing exactly what your boss told you to do. I also think you had advisors that continued to point out the fact that Bill Clinton got away with it. Well, here's a few facts that apparently you overlooked. Starting a war over "bad intelligence," which by the way that "bad intelligence" excuse should have been a big red flag to you as to what you were listening to. Now, back to the "similar differences." Everyone knows or assumes that politicians lie. It's called campaigning and once in office, executive privilege. The entire country was sure Bill Clinton had a tryst with Monica, and most married men, when discovered will lie and deny, job not withstanding. The difference here; spies identities were revealed internationally and we have wars going on. Nobody really cares "who did the do, with who" in the 90's, well I guess there are a select few that are obsessed with sexual matters and the morality of others that could hear about it over and over and over again. But the sad, current fact is, spying and wars get people killed. Do you see the difference? Now, I realize Dr. Bill wants to draw parallels, but I have a question for Dr. Bill. As an educator, say he caught someone cheating on a test . . . would he even listen to their response, if the best they could manage, was someone else did it 8 years ago! See, even Dr. Bill is trying to give you some cover here, with diversion. Ok, Mr. Libby, you have been found guilty regarding a leak and lying. Why don't you just face the real fact and realize you are the patsy and simply embrace the concept of truth. You need to realize there's no going back. Most of us just think you were doing what you were told. You are going to pay the price of leaking, so leak! And while you are at it, let's clear up this lying business and tell the truth. Hey, what a concept! Leaking the TRUTH out of Washington. Please, Mr. Libby, give it a try. We citizens know, to obtain the truth out of Washington, it will have to be leaked.
Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: To deliver thee from the way of the evil man,

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