Friday, March 02, 2007

It's Not What They Say . . .

I just have to tell you, I think Talk News radio could be addictive. I find myself picking and choosing the hosts that I want to hear, based not upon their opinions or style, but based upon what is not the issue in any given show. It's not what they say, or even how they say it, it's all of the commentary and side information that really sheds light on the direction and agenda that is being set forth. Let me give just a few examples. There is one host that I just can't listen to because he adds or changes names to sound derogatory and I just think that is evidence of a very small mind, so I don't listen. Perhaps I'm missing something, perhaps he'd have a "special something" to add to or change my name. But it's funny, I can't ever remember his. I know it's a mental block and somehow I just don't care. I can't hear any of his points around the obvious belittling of individuals and companies he is discussing, so I don't listen. I try to listen to the liberal view offered by FOXNews Radio, but I can only handle so much of what I call, intolerant tolerance. That program seems to raise many issues that I just don't believe are pertinent to world events, right now, so I'm disappointed with that because it allows the "neocons" to run away with the air time discussing politics and current events. I really don't feel that an hour discussion about Hugh Hefner's marriage plans or the psychic readings give me a fair and balanced view, when Sean and Rush and countless others spend hour after hour harping on the current political hot potatoes. Although in defense of the liberal host, he doesn't need hours and hours to yammer about his view. He makes his point quickly and concisely in a matter of seconds. I've been enjoying Dr. Bill, lately, primarily because he is back and he is the one doing his show. And he is up front about his purpose, and he doesn't sound like a mean 3rd grader on the playground. He indicates that the country should feel strongly about more war in the Middle East and he is giving all of the republican candidates for 2008, adequate coverage. And although I don't agree with him, I appreciate his civility and his forthrightness. I was truly surprised this past month when I found myself leaning to the right toward Rudy G. for president. I thought this guy is a real "get things done" kind of man and he's worked his way up, but I knew with his liberal social views, he had to have some very staunch views in some areas, to even be a republican. I learned this morning that he is truly a technocrat. He does think we should all be under surveillance and you know, that's just more big brother than I care to experience, at least in my face and openly. So, the man of the people will be keeping track of all the people if he is elected, and that was all it took for me, to not be leaning that way, any longer. Something else I've been hearing lately is all this illegal imigrant debate, while nobody does anything, to stop it, that is, if they really want to. But please remember, our President made a deal with Mexico and Canada when all of the News/Talk and media kept America entrenched in the Schaivo case. Anyone who doesn't think our government and the media are orchestrating the maneuvers on the American public, is just not the brightest crayon in the box. Now back to illegals. A couple of months ago, we had 11 million illegal imigrants in this country and men were being tried and convicted for driving them across the borders in big trucks, so . . . now we have an open highway policy for these big trucks from Mexico. And I heard this morning we've got 14 million illegal imigrants now. If we can count them, why can't we find them? So, here's what I think is going on. Are the American people hearing what I'm hearing? Are we still able to filter any truth from this filtered, agenda oriented information? Do most Americans recognize when the News is actually presented and when the Talk Radio is just blaring and bantering? It just seems the real point of all this information is to keep the citizens riled and rallied in opposition and uninformed aggression, either way.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes; but the wise man gives ear to suggestions.

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