Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nothing To Hide . . .

I don't know if I should admit this or not, but here goes. It just really does my heart good to watch those that set the rules get faced with having to abide by them. As the Patriot Act unfolded, and I called it "invasive," the conservative mantra became "it isn't a problem if you have nothing to hide." Then whenever they get called into account, they cry partisan politics. I've seen it on a small scale and now we are watching it on a national level. I'm truly amazed at the chutzpah of these people. They take it upon themselves to demand accountability and invade privacy of others, yet defy and deny any accountability on their part. Well, isn't that just interesting . . . Perhaps the mantra of the conservatives needs to change to "I can and you can't!" What's with this latest nonsense from the White House? Congress can ask questions off the record, the answers are not under oath, and no transcripts, and they call that cooperation. Are they kidding? These same people that authorized the Patriot Act to require the law abiding citizens to "give" everything short of blood to open a bank account, want their answers "OFF THE RECORD." I realize there is still a choice for us, we can choose to have no bank account. Now, I also know, we recently elected an impotent Congress that will get nothing accomplished and simply spend their time legislating non-binding bills. But you know, if they are going to waste their time and our money, anyway, they might as well stand their ground with these authors of accountability. When I signed my personal property statement for 2007, my signature went right below the sentence. "I swear this to be the truth, so help me God." I'm under the impression that is under oath and certainly "on the record" and we're just talking about a couple of old vehicles, not matters of national concern. It's almost TAX day. What would our compassionate conservative administration do, if we all chose to treat our tax forms with the same protocol that they are proposing. Can you imagine telling an IRS auditor what George W. has told Congress? And you know, the crazy thing is, it was the President's choice to fire these guys, so why didn't he, in the beginning like all the other Presidents do, or why didn't he simply say, "Alberto and I decided . . ." We're just not buying this national security and executive privilege any more. The signing statements and executive orders by the hundreds have just kind of worn thin as the war debt mounts, our rights are diminished and the current events read like a bad fiction novel. So, I would say to the administration the same thing we've been hearing from the administration for the past 5 years. "You shouldn't have a problem with this, if you have nothing to hide."
But let every man prove his own work . . .

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