Monday, May 16, 2005

Whose Side Are We Really On?

I realize it is "politically correct" to be somewhat skeptical regarding Israel and her rights in the Middle East. Some are downright indignant against Israel. After having been there and seeing for myself, I am as pro-Israel as ever. I believe America's religious right present a pro-Israel facade that is actually causing some of the "anti" sentiments. That is not a typo for Semitism. The American Presbyterians were the first to pull back from supporting Israel and if I am not mistaken, Dr. Condaleezza Rice and Dr. Bill Frist are both Presbyterian. And in all fairness, the Democrats actually do attempt to present the Palestinians to be the displaced victims. With all that being said, I am pro-Israel, simply because the Bible very clearly outlines the geographical borders of the nation of Israel and they have no where near that amount of land, anyway. Much of the land that President Bush is pushing Prime Minister Sharon to "give up" was actually purchased years ago, and even what was won in the Six Day War, was won. Nobody in Britian or the US, is calling the geography of the 13 colonies, occupied land. Let's get real, here. America has done nothing but encourage and push Israel to make concessions our leaders wouldn't dream of doing. And America hasn't really been kind or forthright about this. As already stated, we have the religious and powerful that are actually participating in a ban against Israel. Our President proclaims in the face of terrorism, "we won't relent and we do not negotiate with terrorists." But his advice to Prime Minister Sharon has been very different. I can't believe the hypocrisy. President Bush's followers can't get along with other Americans of a different party, and this is the man that thinks he can bring peace to two peoples that have been enemies for over 4,000 years? That would bring me to another reference in Scripture. The Messiah promised to bring peace when He returns and anyone else that promises is speaking lies. If only the . . . And then we get to the promises and the funding for the Palestinians. Dr. Rice mentioned that they should have a land that is contiguous. Which means, if the Gaza Strip and Golan Heights and West Bank are to connect, Israel will give up much more and basically be surrounded by a people that do not want to acknowledge the existence of Israel. And the Palestinians have been promised $200 million American dollars in their establishment efforts. Think about this, I have examples that compare. Say someone is suing your best friend and you hire the lawyer for the one filing the law suit . . . Say your best friend gets a divorce from someone whom you have called a real jerk and then you start keeping time with your friend's ex. Just how does a nation rationalize funding the enemy of an ally?
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

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