Sunday, May 22, 2005

I See London, I See France . . .

And Homeland Security can see through underpants!

After seeing and reading about Saddam Hussein in the same week as I got to hear about our latest security proposal, I gotta tell ya . . . It sounds like our leaders can justify things that would mortify Hugh Hefner! As a woman that has already gotten her share of security groping with the "hands on" method, I have to admit, I'll be letting my passport go dormant, soon.
Now here's an idea . . . Maybe they could have hospital personnel run air port security and just take care of an annual physical before you travel. And you know, they could combine the vaccinations with the veri-chip and mamogram with air security and TV church on Walmart's in-store info-monitors, and who knows what next. Do I sound cynical? I sincerely hope so! I cannot believe all the revolting things that are being presented to the American public and they are just thrilled at how much our leaders care about our safety. It's as if, the special group of followers of "the powers that be" become more pleased with their leaders as our privacy and rights are diminished. And you can tell who they are. People that support this present administration are for the most part, the people that have always seen that others needed to be corraled and hemmed in, for their own sake of course. And they have done their best to take that duty upon themselves for years. It's as if their beloved leaders have personally given them a respite. Okay, now I am combining the lovely trait of sarcasm with cynicism. I'll attempt to rein myself in, before they have to start a new cabinet post for the likes of me.
Now a word about Saddam, if that's really who he is. You know, when I heard the "authorized version" of his capture, I didn't believe it was Saddam, but now that I have heard the quieted but not quite silenced story, maybe it is him. At any rate . . . His entire detaining cell is under surveillance 24/7. Not just the door and window, if there is one, but the whole cell. Maybe some member of the "powers that be" is afraid he might "off" himself, before judgment and punishment can be administered.
Our military is spread around the world and involved in two wars. How can they possibly have time for the Abu Ghraib behavior or freeze-framing video tape of Saddam? What is our military being taught? Or are things so desperate that anyone can now "qualify to serve" in the military?
I hesitate to ask "what's next" because they undoubtedly have it in the works as soon as the general public will shut up and take what's good for them.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach on, sister! Uh, I mean mom. I'm surrounded in people with this thought process. Of course, these people don't read for the most part, either, with the exception of self-help books.

They want Brave New World meets 1984 meets Farenhieght...The hopeful part is that there are always outsiders...always people that remain human.

I'll see you there someday!

Love you.

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