Monday, May 23, 2005

I Want My Money Back!

Well, I suppose everyone has now heard that our government has made yet another "questionable error." It has been discovered that medicare and medicaid funding has provided Viagra for sex offenders. Now, you might say, "I can't believe that." And to that I would reply, "Why not? This is America, are you new?" We fund more questionable causes than we can count and we downright contribute to ongoing problems every day. If the American federal government didn't provide grant money to enable, do you realize how many more people would be in the unemployment line?
But that isn't our topic today. . . Giving Viagra to sex offenders, when the diabetics and 40+ alcoholics have to pay for it! . . . Where is the justice? Where is the fairness? I read Hugh Hefner is a great proponent of Viagra, but he pays for it. And it's interesting that the religious right continues to find someone else to blame, while supporting leaders that allow this sort of atrocity. Giving, and I do mean giving, Viagra to a sex offender is like handing a pyromaniac a book of matches. What are "the powers" thinking? What is their excuse? . . . as if there was one.
As a tax payer, I want my money back. This misappropriation of funds should not be funded by the hard working Americans that pay taxes. This error needs to be accounted for. How much damage has actually been done? Not only have "the powers that be" wasted, no worse than wasted, our money; how many more victims have been victimized because our government provided the "empowerment" to cause victimization? As a person that does not utilize medication at all, nor do I condone the use there of, I am particularly offended. I have watched for years, as my tax dollars get pumped into medical research, and I have no say. I have also watched for years as doctors are held unaccountable, and now our politicians have capped medical malpractice suits, so they can continue to be held unaccountable. And now, doctors have prescribed and politicians have authorized VIAGRA and given me the bill.
You know, if the average businessmen in America did business like doctors and politicians, they would be out of business.
every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

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